Texas Veterinary Records - Disciplinary Records
      *Source – PUBLIC RECORDS of the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners.
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(Click on name to see
Official Board Order)
License # City Docket # Date of Action Violation Summary

"The summaries are taken directly from facts in the Agreed Orders. Please click on the linked veterinarian's name to read the entire Agreed Order from the TBVME."
Atwood, Leah
Leah Atwood DVM
10973 Allen CP21-365 04/25/2023 Professional Standard of Care
On or about June 17, 2021, Respondent treated a dachshund, Pickle, for gastrointestinal issues and Pickle had recently been seen on several other previous occasions. During a prior visit, a radiograph was performed and Respondent said it was unremarkable. The client requested bloodwork, but it was not performed because Respondent felt it would also be unremarkable. The client mentioned a concern about a lump on Pickle's side. Respondent was unable to locate the lump and failed to do any other diagnostic testing. Respondent only treated Pickle symptomatically. After the last exam, Pickle rapidly declined in a matter of hours and died on the way to the emergency clinic. There, the veterinarian diagnosed Pickle with a swollen liver with neoplasia.
Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Bankson, Cara
Cara Bankson DVM
15337 Longview CP21-113 04/25/2023 Professional Standard of Care
On or about November 19, 2020, a donkey, Ellie May, was suspected to be pregnant. The owner called Respondent to come to her barn and confirm the pregnancy. Respondent claimed Ellie May was aggressive and hard to manage; however, Respondent was ultimately able to obtain a blood sample. One week later, the results came back, and Respondent misread them and advised the owner that Ellie May was not pregnant. On November 24, 2020, Ellie May gave birth. The owner continuously contacted the clinic to let them know of the birth and that Ellie May was not nursing the foal and that her belly was still contracting. Respondent acknowledged that they received calls but she was tending to other patients and could not make a house call at the time. Because of misreading the bloodwork, Ellie May was not properly cared for or monitored during the foaling and post-foaling process. Both Ellie May and the foal died the next day.
6 hrs. add'l CE
Bazan, Renee
Renee Bazan DVM
8729 Houston CP20-062 01/17/2023 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand
During an October 22, 2019 inspection by the board, it was discovered that Respondent did not have an accurate balance on hand for Beuthanasia, Buprenorphine, Telazol, Diazepa, Ketamine, and Tramadol. Respondent also had no log for Telazol/Ketamine/Xylazine, Ketamine/Dolorex/Telazol, and Butorphanol/Acepromazine. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Boeckh, Christine
Christine Boeckh DVM
8230 Stephenville CP22-033 07/18/2023 Extra-Label or Off-Label Use of Drugs; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On or about June 22, 2020, a horse named Point of No Return was seen by Respondent who diagnosed a torn bladder sphincter and prescribed phenylpropanolamine (#30 tablets). Complainant was told to order it from the in-house pharmacy. Due to cost, she stated she would pay for it on a week-by-week basis. When she picked up the medication from the pharmacy, it stated "Dogs only." She asked the pharmacist if there had been a mistake and was told it was correct. She proceeded to give the medication to her horse as instructed by Respondent. On July 1, 2020, her horse was found under a shaded tree with her head down and not eating. She called the equine hospital to question the state of her horse.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Bommala, Prakash
Prakash Bommala DVM
13093 Houston CP21-112 04/25/2023 Professional Standard of Care
On November 3, 2020, a cat was seen by Respondent for inappetence and not defecating for 7 days but drinking water and wobbly in the rear limbs. On November 9, the patient was seen again by Respondent for posterior ataxia and was not eating or drinking. Respondent prescribed medication and sent the patient home. On November 20, the patient went to a specialty clinic that found the patient had otitis and vestibular disease. Respondent did not correctly diagnose the ear infection and instead stated that it was a kidney infection. 6 hrs. add'l CE
Campbell, Glen
Glen Campbell DVM
6791 Hurst CP21-088 07/18/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On or about May 1, 2020, a dog named Vader was presented to Respondent for a neuter surgery. Several months later, Vader's regular veterinarian found one testicle was not removed. Another veterinarian who worked at the same clinic as Respondent removed the testicle free of charge.
Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Glen Campbell DVM
6791 Hurst CP20-166 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On or about December 16, 2019, a poodle named Ava was presented to Respondent to be spayed. Ava was acting funny when she returned home, and the owner took Ava to the Emergency Room the next day. Ultrasound showed that Ava's intestines were sewn up into the closure when closing the wound. Ava died on December 24, 2019.
Formal Reprimand; 1 yr. suspension with suspension stayed and probated entire term; quarterly reports; other conditions outlined in order; $2,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Glen Campbell DVM
6791 Hurst CP20-166 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On or about December 16, 2019, a poodle named Ava was presented to Respondent to be spayed. Ava was acting funny when she returned home, and the owner took Ava to the Emergency Room the next day. Ultrasound showed that Ava's intestines were sewn up into the closure when closing the wound. Ava died on December 24, 2019.
Formal Reprimand; 1 yr. suspension with suspension stayed and probated entire term; quarterly reports; other conditions outlined in order; $2,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Chang, Angela
Angela Chang DVM
11692 Austin CP21-154 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On or about November 25, 2022, a dog named Dolly was presented to Respondent after failing to improve after an after hours clinic visit for pain and nausea. Respondent treated Dolly with fluids but did not note evidence of ileus despite Dolly having all the symptoms. A couple of days later, another veterinarian found an obstruction and Dolly died shortly after it was removed. Formal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Chiu, Bonnie
Bonnie Chiu DVM
11693 McKinney CP19-381 04/25/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On or about July 25, 2019, Respondent treated a 2-year-old Belgian Malinois named Sadie. The treatment provided did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's Rules of Professional Conduct.
Informal Reprimand; $3,000 admin. penalty
Claxton, William
William Claxton DVM
4926 Quinlan CP22-019 01/17/2023 Use of Prescription Drugs
Respondent had an account set up with a drug distributor enabling a friend who owned an animal shelter to order dangerous drugs and/or controlled substances for use on animals at the shelter. The drugs were being administered to the animals at the shelter by his friend without Respondent establishing a veterinarian client patient relationship.
Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty
Rob Coke DVM
7928 San Antonio CP20-273 01/17/2023   Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On or about April 10, 2020, Respondent treated a 35-year-old Double Yellow parrot named Duke, and the medical records did not meet the standards required by the board's rules of professional conduct.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Damron, Larry
Larry Damron DVM
3560 Sidney ALO 3560
01/17/2023 Application for Reinstatement of License after Revocation
Respondent submitted an application for reinstatement of his license to the board on December 9, 2021, 5 years after revocation for a Driving While Intoxicated conviction under DK2017-072.
Reinstatement; 2 yr. suspension with suspension stayed and probated entire term; Peer Recovery Network monitoring and other conditions outlined in order
Davidson, Shari
Shari Davidson DVM
14330 Rockwall CP22-062 07/18/2023 Professional Standard of Care
On or about October 12, 2021, a 4-year-old pug named Paisley was presented for an annual vaccine, nail trim, and anal expression. During the nail trim and anal expression, Paisley became very stressed out. Respondent placed Paisley in a kennel and administered a shot of diphenhydramine to calm her down. Respondent retrieved Paisley from the kennel ~20 minutes later to finish her services and administer the rabies, DHLPP, and Bordatella vaccines altogether, even though historically Paisley's vaccines were spread out and Respondent was aware of the protocols. Respondent placed Paisley back into the kennel. Five to 10 minutes later, a veterinary assistant checked on Paisley and noticed her tongue was purple and she was foaming at the mouth. Paisley's oxygen saturation level was low. She stopped breathing and died.
Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Douglas Dawson DVM
5466 Houston CP19-312 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care;

Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On or about May 19, 2019, Respondent treated a 12-year-old cat named Travis. The treatment provided allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Donovan, Megan
Megan Donovan DVM
15240 Houston CP21-289 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On or about April 20, 2021, a cat named Shadow was presented to Respondent for a dental procedure. Shadow passed away during the two-tooth extraction while under anesthesia. Shadow had underlying health conditions that made the surgery risky. Shadow was under anesthesia for 3 hours partly because Respondent was busy performing multiple surgeries simultaneously.
$1,000 admin. penalty; 9 hrs. add'l CE
Dumeyer, Erica
Erica Dumeyer DVM
13596 Longview CP19-287 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care;

Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On or about April 25, 2019, Respondent treated a 5-year-old dog named Wonder. The treatment provided allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 7 hrs. add'l CE (This is a MODIFIED board order. The original board order, which the respondent signed, was for a FORMAL reprimand - not an informal reprimand. The original board order is located here.)
Dunahoo, Rena
Rena Dunahoo DVM
9375 Temple CP21-432 04/25/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On August, 6, 2021, Lucy was presented for grooming. The owner requested pre-op bloodwork, but Respondent failed to draw because Lucy was too fractious. Lucy had undergone previous sedation/anesthesia on June 16, 2020, and the same medications were used. No weight was listed for the visit in question. The amount of DKT (dexmedetomidine, ketamine, and butorphanol) was twice the amount used for the previous OHE performed on June 15, 2020. Lucy died under sedation.
Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Elrod, Thomas
Thomas Elrod DVM
1663 Odessa CP22-320 07/18/2023 Professional Standard of Care
On or about July 13, 2022, a 1.5-year-old Schnauzer named Bella was presented to Respondent for a spay. Upon discharge after an overnight stay, no pain medication was prescribed. The use of balanced analgesia for surgical procedures especially major abdominal procedures has been the standard of care since the early 2000s. There are several negative effects of untreated pain, including but not limited to lethargy, inappetence, and decreased water intake. Bella was taken to a second veterinarian with lethargy, diarrhea, inappetence, and painful distended abdomen. Differential diagnoses included post-operative complications of urethral obstruction and hypoadrenocorticism. The second veterinarian advised of the poor prognosis and tried to stabilize Bella, but Bella died.
Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 9 hrs. add'l CE
Thomas Evans DVM
5177 Alvin CP21-102 04/25/2023 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On October 26, 2020, a 1.5-year-old Blue Heeler named Maggie was spayed by Respondent. The medical record contained no description of the procedure or documentation of monitoring after surgery.
Informal Reprimand; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Flottman, Gerald
Gerald Flottman DVM
3670 Willis CP20-391 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On July 29, 2020, a dog named Maggie was presented to Respondent to be spayed. The medical record lacked documentation from completion of surgery at 10:10 am until 11:50 am when it was noted that the patient was given 0.2 mL of Acepromazine IM to calm her down because she was not happy with the cone. Respondent and staff left for lunch from noon until 1:00 pm leaving Maggie unmonitored. Upon their return to the clinic, Maggie was in shock. Resuscitation attempts were made but Maggie died.
Formal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Foster, Lynn
Lynn Foster DVM
11281 Whitehouse CP20-399 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
In August 2020, the board received a complaint alleging that Respondent performed an ovariohysterectomy on a dog and left gauze inside. The dog died as a result. The board's medical reviewer determined that gauze being left inside the dog was a violation of standard of care.
Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Fruge, Cody
Cody Fruge DVM
12089 Santa Fe
CP21-052 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On September 14, 2020, Respondent examined a dog's left tibia for a spiral fracture that was splinted 10 days prior. Respondent did not change, remove, or adjust the splint and sent the patient home with a prescription for Carprofen and trazodone. On September 17, a colleague changed the splint on a follow-up visit. The office received phone calls between September 22 and 24 with the owner reporting abnormal behavior by the dog. On September 25, Respondent re-examined the dog and noted the dorsal area of the splint near the hip was abrasive. Respondent added additional padding but did not remove the splint for closer examination. On October 2, the dog returned and a severe infection in the leg had developed. A colleague ended up having to amputate to save the patient's life.
6 hrs. add'l CE
Fuller, John
John Fuller DVM
11986 Plano CP21-033 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On or about March 1, 2018, a dog named Harry was presented to Respondent for a dental cleaning. Respondent documented that a severely fractured molar on the left mandible, 309, was extracted. On or about March 4, 2020, the owners took Harry to another veterinarian for a dental cleaning, and that veterinarian found hidden roots of the 309 molar. The roots that were left in led to an infection and suffering by Harry for 2 years.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Autumn Gillespie DVM
16288 Katy CP21-180 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On Thanksgiving Sunday 2020, a dog named Lupita was presented to Respondent after vomiting part of a turkey string she had swallowed on Thanksgiving Day. Respondent treated Lupita with fluids and Cerenia. Xrays were inconclusive for a foreign body. Lupita was re-presented the next day and new xrays were taken, but no new treatment was given. Lupita died after a subsequent veterinarian performed surgery and removed the foreign body.
Informal Reprimand; $2,500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Graef, Arlon
Arlon Graef DVM
4121 Coupland CP20-356 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care; Unauthorized Treatment
On July 1, 2020, a dog named Leah was presented to Respondent for a dental procedure. The owner explained that Leah could not have anesthesia due to previous bad reactions. Respondent advised tht only a tranquilizer would be used. When Leah got stressed and an infected molar could not be removed, Propofol was administered. The owner was notified upon pick up that Propofol was administered. The next day at home Leah let out a sharp cry and moved to the bed to lay on her side breathing heavily. The owner rushed her to the hospital where she passed away.
Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Granger, Tom
Tom Granger DVM
5302 Lumberton CP22-089 07/18/2023 Professional Standard of Care
On or about September 17, 2020, a 2.5-year-old Schnauzer named Ivy was presented for bladder stone removal. Ivy was masked down with isoflurane gas and intubated during surgery. The bladder stones were removed, and the surgical site was closed without incident. Afterwards, Ivy suffered cardiac arrest. Atropine and dexdomitor, were administered together during surgery. It is commonly known not to mix these two drugs.
Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Hall, Rusty
Rusty Hall DVM
4319 Nome CP22-228 07/18/2023 Professional Standard of Care
On or about December 16, 2021, a Great Dane named Nova was presented for a spay. Nova was discharged late in the day while still recumbent due to a late additional dose of xylazine and ketamine to aid in finishing the sutures. She recovered poorly. Within a few hours, the client took Nova to a hospital and, based on her grave prognosis, elected euthanasia.
$500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Harris, Wendy
Wendy Harris DVM
7411 Magnolia CP21-214 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On January 11, 2020, a dog was presented to Respondent for a mass on its left flank. Respondent performed an FNA and believed the mass to be malignant. She offered referral to an oncologist or removal by her with the mass sent off to the laboratory for analysis. She removed the mass and it wound up being a kidney. The dog was taken to Texas A&M for exploratory surgery where they found a herniation of the dog's intestines through a dorsal body wall defect which was likely how the kidney appeared to be a mass that was showing through.
Not specified in board order
Hawkins, Christi
Christi Hawkins DVM
9816 Spring CP21-192 04/25/2023 Adherence to Law; Supervision of Non-Veterinarians; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping; Ordering a Prescription Drug or Controlled Substance for the Treatment of an Animal Without First Establishing a Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship; Practicing Veterinary Medicine Without a Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship
On or about January 28, 2021, a cat named Ginger was presented to Respondent for a spay procedure. Ginger became fractious when trying to get a blood sample and could not be handled. Ace/Torb was administered by the veterinary technician to calm Ginger down. There was no medical record of a physical exam performed by a doctor or of the administration of Ace/Torb. Ginger bit the veterinary technician on the hand while she was shaving Ginger's leg to insert a catheter. The bite was reported to the local authority.
Informal reprimand; $2,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Hayes, Brian
Brian Hayes DVM
15058 Austin CP22-056 07/18/2023 Use of Prescription Drugs
Respondent was prescribing Xanax for a Springer Spaniel named Beau without fully reviewing the records which indicated suspicion of abuse and suspicious prescribing activity. Client had been hospitalized three times over the course of 5 months after having access to Xanax intended for Beau.
Formal Reprimand; $2,500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Hill, Celeste
Celeste Hill DVM
6638 Sweetwater CP22-032 07/18/2023 Professional Standard of Care
On or about September 26, 2021, a 15-year-old dog named Wrangler was presented to Respondent for injuries sustained in a dog fight. Respondent discussed the large tumor in the perianal area that had been damaged and that she would not be removing it. The clients were adamant about treatment after Respondent suggested they consider euthanasia. Respondent called the client to pick up Wrangler after treatment of the wounds and recovery from anesthesia. Respondent advised that Wrangler would not be able to use his back end. Wrangler died by 2pm the same day after being picked up. Wrangler had a crunchy feeling and sound on palpating the tumor and Wrangler could not support his own weight in the rear. Radiographs and ultrasound were not taken or offered.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Howard, James
James Howard DVM
7956 Allen CP20-378 07/18/2023   Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand
On or about July 20, 2020 during an on-site TBVME inspection, Respondent could not find the required 5 years of controlled drug logs [sic]. He could not provide a biennial controlled substances inventory or provide purchase receipts for controlled drugs. When asked for 5 years of controlled drug logs, Respondent stated the logbooks were kept offsite.
Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty
Hurwitz, Sanford
Sanford Hurwitz DVM
3421 Big Spring
CP20-372 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
A cat was presented to Respondent for nasal congestion. Respondent examined the cat and diagnosed bacterial, fungal, viral inflamed rhinitis. The owner wanted Respondent to do as much as possible to save her cat. Respondent did not treat her cat with an anti-viral medication and had a dismissive attitude toward the health of the cat due to its breed being a "genetic disaster." The owner took the cat to another veterinarian where the cat had another seizure on the table. The owner decided to euthanize the cat after being informed of the poor prognosis.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin penalty; 3 hrs add'l CE
Javaid, M. Iqbal
M. Iqbal Javaid DVM
4476 Houston CP21-283 04/25/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On or about March 20, 2021, Respondent treated a rat named Betty. Betty was presented for a surgery to remove a tumor mass. Respondent instructed the client to have Betty fast before the surgery. The client dropped off Betty at the clinic early in the morning. Respondent called the client at ~8:45pm to relay that Betty was in surgery. Respondent advised the client that Betty would need to be kept overnight and that nobody would be there to monitor but it would be okay since Betty would be sleeping off the anesthesia. Betty died overnight. The late surgery caused Betty to fast for 20 hours. Medical journal states that rats don't vomit and have a high metabolism so fasting is not recommended.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Joines, Elton
Elton Joines DVM
3779 Harlingen CP21-290 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care;

Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On or about April 20, 2021, a dog named Hash was presented to Respondent for vomiting, diarrhea, and not eating. Respondent tested Hash for parvo and determined Hash was positive. Has was not offered SQ fluids for support. Respondent did not meet the standard of care.
Formal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Kirkland, Amy
Amy Kirkland DVM
13180 Canyon CP21-268 04/25/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On or about February 23, 2021, Respondent treated a dog named Sassy that was presented for a spay. Respondent failed to ensure that the pop-off valve on the anesthesia machine was open. Sassy died during the pre-surgical procedure due to excessive pressure within the system and anoxia because the valve on the machine was closed. The valve should have been open to receive oxygen.
Formal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Kottenstette, John
  John Kottenstette DVM
8150 Conroe CP19-241 04/25/2023 Professional
Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On March 22, 2019, Respondent provided treatment to a 10-year-old female dog named Mini-Mini. The treatment did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the Board's Rules of Professional Conduct. The medical records did not meet the requirements as provided by the board's Rules of Professional Conduct.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 9 hrs. add'l CE
Kwon, Taesun
Taesun Kwon DVM
14474 Plano CP21-267 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On March 9, 2021, the owner took her cat for vaccinations and a nail trim. The cat was too aggressive to trim its nails or administer vaccines, but a dental cleaning was recommended. On March 18, the cat was presented to Respondent for dental cleaning. Respondent administered a combination of sedative medications. Shortly afterward, the cat's tongue turned blue and it went into cardiac arrest and died.
Informal Reprimand; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Larson, Christopher
Christopher Larson DVM
8801 Sudan CP21-106 07/18/2023 Professional Standard of Care
On November 23, 2020, an English bulldog named Bibiana was dropped off at Respondent's clinic for a spay procedure. Respondent called the client at 12:15pm and said the dog was fine in surgery, but shortly afterward he called back to say Bibiana was dead. Respondent used an anesthetic protocol that was below the standard of care, particularly on an English bulldog due to brachycephalic anatomy.
$1,500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Mares, Bernadette
Bernadette Mares DVM
9700 Conroe CP21-330 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
In March 2021, the board received a complaint regarding Respondent's treatment of a French Bulldog. During the check up, Respondent failed to notice the dog was not properly vaccinated for Parvo. Two months later, the dog tested positive for Parvo and was treated by Respondent. The board reviewer found that the standard of care was met for vaccination but not for treatment of Parvo. The test was performed late and fluid therapy fell way below AAHA guidelines.
Informal Reprimand; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Marsh, Sharon
Sharon Marsh DVM
11840 Troup 2020-039 01/17/2023 Supervision of Non-Veterinarians On or about April 6, 2018, a Boxer mix named Romo was presented to Respondent for a routine neuter procedure. After discharge, the owner noticed some bleeding from his surgical site. The owner returned to the mobile clinic, but Respondent had gone home for the day. A veterinary technician stapled Romo's surgical site without adequate supervision from Respondent.
Informal Reprimand
May, Manley
Manley May DVM
7206 Pearland CP23-186 07/18/2023 Use of Prescription Drugs
For 4 years, Respondent prescribed medication to a private facility and allowed the owner to use his account number to order prescription medicines to treat parvo infected dogs.
Formal Reprimand; $2,500 admin. penalty
McCann, Susan
Susan McCann DVM
7169 Houston CP20-390 07/18/2023 Professional Standard of Care; Performing or Prescribing Unnecessary or Unauthorized Treatment
On or about April 27, 2020, Respondent administered vaccinations to a 2.8-pound, 14-week-old Yorkshire terrier named Sassy. The client told the clinic that Sassy was not to have more than two vaccines administered at the same time due to a prior bad reaction. Sassy was administered five vaccines. Within 4 hours, Sassy's ears and face became swollen with redness and hives, necessitating treatment at an animal emergency hospital. Sassy had documented probable vaccine reaction on a prior visit. The current recommendation for small breed dogs <10 kg is to split or space out vaccinations.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Michler, Jon
Jon Michler DVM
10037 Jasper CP20-116 01/17/2023 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On or about September 15, 2019, a 1-year-old Peekapoo dog named Mickey was presented to Respondent for persistent seizures. [The rest of the Findings of Fact were redacted from the board order.]
Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
O'Brien, David
David O'Brien DVM
7621 San Antonio CP20-318 01/17/2023 Supervision of Non-Veterinarians; Responsibility to Refer a Case
On or about May 8, 2020, an animal named Lucy was presented to Respondent for not eating and lethargy. Exam included blood work and Lucy was diagnosed with an infection. A medication was prescribed for the infection. Lucy returned to be rechecked and she was not getting any better. No differential diagnosis or referral to a hospital was made. A sonogram was suggested by Respondent. The office manager told the owner to wait until the following Monday. The owner opted for euthanasia to prevent further suffering.
Formal Reprimand; $2,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Brent Plonski DVM
12148 Santa Fe
CP21-059 04/25/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On or about September 22, 2020, Respondent improperly applied splint on a patient named Zoie's fractured left rear limb. On or about October 2, 2020, Zoie's leg had to be amputated due to the severity of the infection and non-union of the tibial fracture.
$1,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Emanuel Ponsford DVM
4757 Garland CP20-177 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On or about January 30, 2020, a 14-year-old poodle named Andre was presented to Respondent for a dental cleaning. Andre was dropped off at 7:30 am and his owner was contacted to request consent to remove 3 broken teeth. At 2:00 pm, the owner was contacted again and told that Respondent was attempting to revive Andre. Andre did not recover. Andre had an abnormal ECG pattern during the procedure.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Potter, Melissa
Melissa Potter DVM
7925 Dallas CP18-172 07/18/2023 Responsibility of a Veterinarian to Refer a Case
On August 4, 2017, a ~17-year-old West Highland terrier named Ally was presented to another provider at Respondent's clinic. Ally was diagnosed with Westie Lung Disease or idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Her condition was guarded, but she improved with treatment. An echocardiogram was recommended. On August 7, Ally presented to Respondent for her first echocardiogram. She diagnosed Ally with severe pulmonary hypertension and increased Ally's sildenafil. On August 23, Ally was presented to another provider at a different clinic who performed another echocardiogram and diagnosed moderate pulmonary hypertension which indicated that the sildenafil was helping. By December of 2017, the client wanted to decrease the medication dosage, so he contacted several providers to get this accomplished. Respondent agreed to reevaluate Ally. On January 4, 2018, she performed another echocardiogram. She had difficulty performing the pressure test and informed the client of this. Despite the faulty test, Respondent diagnosed Ally with moderate pulmonary hypertension and recommended she stay on the same course of treatment. Respondent did not refer Ally to a cardiologist or other specialist for further diagnostics or treatment. The client requested a refund for the echocardiogram or another one free of charge; his request was declined, reportedly because it was believed the sildenafil was working, a repeat echocardiogram would not provide value because pressures change day by day, and Ally should be seen by a board-certified cardiologist.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty
Puigdomenech, Imma
Imma Puigdomenech DVM
15146 Belton CP21-409 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
A dog was presented to Respondent for dry heaving and anxiousness. Radiographs were taken for suspected gastric dilation and volvulus (GDV). The owner thought it was GDV but Respondent did not agree. Respondent took another radiograph to be sure and believed the dog did not have GDV. A day later the dog passed away. A necropsy revealed the dog died from GDV.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Ramirez, Mary
Mary Ramirez DVM
9355 Grapevine CP20-021 01/17/2023 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand
During a September 2019 investigation by the board, discrepancies in the controlled substance log were noted.
Informal Reprimand; $8,000 admin. penalty
Reeves, James
James Reeves DVM
8407 Fort Worth
DK2019-091 04/25/2023 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
From September 2015 to October 2017, Respondent treated two Labrador retrievers through his mobile veterinary service. The medical records from this period were not sufficiently detailed as required by the board.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Richardson, Patrick
Patrick Richardson DVM
4764 San Antonio CP22-045 01/17/2023   Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On or about April 10, 2020, a 35-year-old Double Yellow parrot named Duke was presented for treatment at Broadway Oaks Animal Hospital, and the medical records did not meet the standards required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Sanders, Teresa
Teresa Sanders DVM
12712 San Antonio
CP23-083 07/18/2023 Performing or Prescribing Unnecessary or Unauthorized Treatment
On or about October 10, 2022, a 12-year-old dog named Chanel was presented to Respondent for concerns about her not remembering the family and her surroundings. Respondent examined Chanel and found cataracts, dental decay, tooth loss, and that she was deaf. Respondent recommended pain medication and gabapentin; however, due to the state of Chanel, the client opted for euthanasia. The complainant was charged for euthanasia; however, on October 11, 2022, she was told Chanel was instead taken to a senior dog rescue without authorization. Respondent offered a refund for euthanasia and cremation. The client requested the refund go directly to the shelter that was caring for Chanel. Three weeks later, the client had not been given any additional information about the facility or Chanel.
Informal Reprimand
Schoeffler, Kristofer
Kristofer Schoeffler DVM
11071 Pearland CP19-271 07/18/2023 Professional Standard of Care
On or about April 30, 2019, Respondent treated a 5-month-old female Dachshund named Ginger. The treatment provided allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the Board's Rules of Professional Conduct.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Schultz, Aaron
Aaron Schultz DVM
8413 Salado CP21-155 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
A hound dog named Dolly was presented for vomiting, diarrhea, and excess thirst after being seen recently by three other veterinarians. Dolly was not improving, so the owner brought her back again. Respondent examined Dolly and sent her home with medication for nausea and pain. A day or two later, Dolly was treated by another veterinarian that found an obstruction and removed it. Dolly died soon afterwards.
Formal Reprimand; $2,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Schwarzlose, Phillip
Phillip Schwarzlose DVM


San Marcos


Chronically or Habitually Intoxicated, Chemically Dependent, or Addicted to Drugs PRN completed an intake on Respondent on 12/06/2016 after he had been detoxed 3 weeks prior. He was diagnosed with panic attacks and anxiety. He had a history of ingesting benzodiazepines. He used his DEA license to increase his own dose and began mixing it with alcohol. On 05/03/2022, Respondent was seen in the emergency department due to being involved in a motor vehicle collision, alcohol intoxication, and alcohol abuse. On 06/03/2022, he was seen at another emergency department, reported drinking 12 cans of beer daily, and had increased anxiety, tremors, and sweating. On 10/24/2022, a medical doctor performed an evaluation at the request of PRN and determined that Respondent was not safe to practice veterinary medicine. Respondent's continued practice of veterinary medicine constituted a continuing of imminent threat to public welfare. Temporary Suspension Order 11/02/2022

Continuing Suspension Order 11/09/2022

Temporary Suspension

Formal Reprimand; 5 yr. suspension, stayed after 6 months or after Respondent is cleared to practie by PRN, whichever occurs later; probation for remaining period of suspension; Peer Assistance Program participation; other conditions outlined in order; $2,500 admin. penalty; 9 hrs. add'l CE
Scruggs, Kevin
Kevin Scruggs DVM
14031 Houston CP21-011 01/17/2023 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On or about July 14, 2020, a dog was presented to Respondent for pyometra surgery. Respondent did not include any surgical description or anesthetic monitoring in his medical notes.
Informal Reprimand; $250 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Scruggs, Kevin
Kevin Scruggs DVM
14031 Houston CP21-093 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On or about October 4, 2019, a dog named Jax was presented to Respondent for a neuter surgery. Jax was cryptorchid. At pickup, Jax was the only dog not walking out. Respondent advised the owner everything went fine during surgery. A few days later Jax stopped urinating. On or about October 9, Jax was rushed to the hospital for surgery and it was revealed that Jax's prostate was stitched and urethra was ligated. As a result, Jax was euthanized.
Formal Reprimand; $2,500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Nathaniel Shelton DVM
13569 Houston CP21-263 04/25/2023 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On or about April 2, 2021, a 2-year-old cat named Matcha was presented to Respondent for a spay. After the surgery, Respondent noticed that Matcha did not respond well after a veterinary assistant found Matcha was not alert. Respondent went back into surgery on Matcha to make sure she was not hemorrhaging and found that everything was intact. Matcha died 2 days later at the clinic. Respondent failed to document the post-op treatment of SQ fluids and decline of referral to an emergency hospital.
$500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Smith, Lauren
Lauren Smith DVM
13504 Decatur CP20-376; CP21-002
04/25/2023 Professional
Standard of Care; Responsibility of a Veterinarian to Refer; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On or about May 12, 2020, Respondent treated two cats named Marley and Che who were presented for ear cleaning. The treatment provided did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's Rules of Professional Conduct. Respondent did not refer the patients to a specialist and did not document why. The handwritten medical records were difficult to read and lacked examination details.
Informal Reprimand; $3,000 admin. penalty; 9 hrs. add'l CE
Smith, Paul
Paul Smith DVM
2820 Houston CP20-094 07/18/2023 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand
On November 4, 2019 during an on-site investigation by the TBVME, it was found that the controlled substances logs were out of date for over 2 years. There was no running balance for Euthanasia, ketamine, tramadol, TKY-Rompun (xylazine) & ketamine, torbugesic, torbutrol, phenobarbital, and diazepam, which were all on hand, several having expired many years ago.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Starks, Linwood
Linwood Starks DVM


Grand Prairie



Violation of Board Order
Respondent violated Agreed Board Orders CP21-251 and CP20-151. The board received a complaint as outlined in CP20-151, as well as multiple other complaints. In one, a cat died during a routine neuter. In another, a dog had complications due to a dental cleaning. In another a dog was dropped off for a dental surgery and died in a kennel before surgery likely due to heat stress. Other complaints filed with the board have indicated additional issues with the way Respondent operates his mobile veterinary clinic in unsanitary conditions, patients left strewn post-op all over the floor with no one monitoring, cats stacked several crates high after surgery waiting to be picked up without monitoring, numerous spays and neuters being done the same day with inadequate space and no room to walk without stepping on patients laying on the floor post-op. Respondent's continued practice of veterinary medicine constituted a continuing of imminent threat to public welfare. During a TBVME inspection performed on 01/11/2023 (ie, 5 days after a temporary suspension was issued), Respondent was providing Ketamine and Xylazine to a relief veterinarian working on the premises who was operating on patients. Respondent did not have his controlled substances logs with him, and multiple vials were found in two unlocked vehicles parked just outside the clinic's trailer. A continuing suspension order was issued.  Temporary Suspension

Continuing suspension order 01/11/2023

Suspension until superseded by a subsequent order or by operation of law
St. Blanc, Alissa
Alissa St. Blanc DVM
14352 Baton Rouge, LA
CP18-037 07/18/2023 Professional Standard of Care
On July 27, 2017, a 5-year-old Labrador retriever named Bailey was taken to a specialty clinic to address left hindlimb lameness. She was examined by other providers and a tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO) was performed. Bailey was discharged the next day. On July 29, the clients brought Bailey back due to concerns with her breathing. Another provider examined her and diagnosed aspiration pneumonia. Care was transferred to Respondent (who was an intern) at that time. Respondent discussed the plan of treatment with the surgeon on call who agreed with it. Bailey was hospitalized overnight. Despite initial improvement, Bailey's oxygen saturation dropped below 90% during the morning hours of July 30, and she began to appear uncomfortable. She was placed into the ICU's oxygenated cage. At approximately 1pm, her oxygen saturation did not read above 75% and she was noted to be pale with a large amount of brown, foul-smelling liquid coming from her nostrils. Respondent, who was on call, was notified and ordered IV medications be administered. Bailey's condition continued to decline. Respondent was contacted, ordered chest radiographs, and began traveling to the facility. When Bailey was flipped to her right side to complete the radiographs, she stopped breathing. Shortly thereafter, she went into cardiac arrest. Attempts at resuscitation were unsuccessful.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Swarb, Joshua
Joshua Swarb DVM
11786 Mohanans CP22-224 07/18/2023 Professional Standard of Care
On or about January 24, 2022, a puppy named Champ was presented for ear cropping and, on February 8, returned to have the stitches removed. While Respondent was removing the stitches, Champ began reacting and had to be restrained. No sedation drugs were administered. Several milliliters of blood came out of Champ's mouth and onto the table. Respondent knew that it was lung blood. Shortly after Respondent removed the sutures, Champ fainted in the veterinary technician's arms. The client arrived and while Respondent was discussing with him/her, Champ crashed and died.
Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 9 hrs. add'l CE
Sweeney, Delaney
Delaney Sweeney DVM
15721 Alice CP22-004 04/25/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On or about September 3, 2021, a cat named Reign was presented to Respondent to have a nail removed on the right paw. Upon picking up Reigh, the owner noticed she was bleeding all over with only one-half of her right paw still left and the left paw was all cut up and had six staples going up her arm.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Terrazas, Luis
Luis Terrazas DVM
10775 El Paso
CP22-135 07/18/2023 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On or about April 8, 2021, a cat named Baby was taken to Respondent's office around 8am to address blood around her eye that occurred after another cat swiped her. She met with the vet tech and was advised to wait outside due to Covid policy. After a few hours, the client was told Respondent had looked at Baby's eye and it did have a scratch. Respondent prescribed eye ointment and pain medication. The client asked if they could do bloodwork while Baby was there. Later, Baby was brought out in her crate. While the vet tech was collecting the bill and medicine, Baby struggled to breathe, her eyes were glassed over, and she urinated herself. The client addressed the state of Baby with the vet tech when she came back out, so she took her back inside to be evaluated by Respondent. Shortly after, Baby died. The client called regarding Baby's missing bloodwork in the medical records. The clinic later emailed the client the missing information.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Tramble, Courtney
Courtney Tramble DVM
15524 Austin CP21-336 04/25/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On or about May 31, 2021, Respondent treated a 10-year-old Pomeranian named Gizmo who was presented for vomiting and wheezing. Respondent took radiographs and bloodwork and reports showed Gizmo had an enlarged heart and lung interstitial pattern. Respondent prescribed Cerenia and furosemide but the pharmacy and clinic were out of stock on pimobendan. Gizmo was scheduled for an EKG on June 7, 2021 but died before the appointment. Medical journal advises that patients with heart failure should have more aggressive treatment than what was given. Gizmo should have been referred to an animal emergency hospital on initial visit.
Formal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Tran, Justin
Justin Tran DVM
14549 Arlington CP22-276 07/18/2023 Professional Standard of Care
On or about March 26, 2022, an Australian mix named Boogie was presented for throwing up and not eating. Respondent misdiagnosed lower back pain and compression of the spine. Respondent prescribed medications and sent Boogie home. Later in the evening, Boogie became disoriented and had to go to the emergency room where bowel obstruction was diagnosed. Boogie had to have surgery to remove the obstruction. Respondent ordered only lower spine radiographs and missed the obstruction.
Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Trinh, Kent
Kent Trinh DVM
5916 Amarillo CP21-362 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On or about June 3, 2021, a dog was presented to Respondent for a bleeding left cheek under the eyelid. Respondent determined that the dog had a soft mass tumor and performed surgery to drain the mass. Respondent did not shave the area before surgery. The owner took the dog to his regular veterinarian and was told the dog would need another surgery because the hair was not shaved and the matted hair was left to fester. The dog woudl have died had he not gone to his regular veterinarian.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Vance, Colleen
Colleen Vance DVM
12180 Carrollton CP18-109 04/25/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On January 3, 2018, a 5-month-old Golden Doodle named Sedona was presented to Respondent for a spay. Sedona was prepped for surgery and anesthesia was induced, which included Dexdomitor. In addition to Respondent, a veterinary technician was present throughout and monitoring Sedona during surgery. The spay procedure was completed without any issues. However, during the suturing to close the abdominal wall, Sedona went into cardiac arrest. Respondent immediately began CPR and administered epinephrine, but all attempts to resuscitate were unsuccessful. Respondent did not administer Atipamezole to reverse the Dexdomitor she had previously administered. A necropsy was performed and concluded that the cause of death was unclear, but was presumably related to the anesthesia.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Wainwright, David
David Wainwright DVM
7899 Houston CP20-304 01/17/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On or about April 7, 2020, Respondent treated a 2-year-old dog named Bree. The treatment provided allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Respondent allowed the director and staff of rescue group, Legends of the Paws, to interfere or intervene with the practice of veterinary medicine. Respondent also failed to properly care for and submit the patient to proper testing prior to surgery which led to Bree's death. Respondent had prior knowledge of pre-existing medical conditions that would place the patient in imminent danger of injury or death.
Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Walter, Alicia
Alicia Walter DVM
8626 Richmond CP20-374 04/25/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
In July 2020, the board received a complaint stating that Respondent failed to disclose that a dog's platelet count was seriously low, instead saying that it was normal. The complaint stated that this caused the dog to bleed through the right eye, causing its removal a month later. The board's medical reviewer found that Respondent violated the standard of care because she failed to resubmit a new blood sample to get an accurate count.
Informal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Wells, Katherine
Katherine Wells DVM
7081 Dallas CP20-212 04/25/2023 Professional
Standard of Care
On or about January 8, 2019, a Saint Bernard named Nikki was presented to Respondent for examination of swelling and lameness in the pelvis. Respondent diagnosed bilateral medial patella luxation and scheduled surgery. On January 11, 2019, Nikki was presented for surgery, and the owner requested that a mass on the right thigh be removed at the same time as surgery. Rather than operate on the left knee per the owner's request, Respondent operated on the right. Respondent contended that surgery on the right knee was still necessary.
Informal Reprimand; $3,000 admin. penalty
Wolf, Janice
Janice Wolf DVM
3331 Amarillo CP22-195 07/18/2023 Professional Standard of Care
While the owner of Ellie was out of town from December 17 to 28, 2021, a male and female French bulldog could have bred. Ellie was taken to Respondent several times between February 17 and 28 to see if she was pregnant and the readiness for C-section. She asked Respondent several times to do a sonogram but was told they didn't do them. On Day 1 visit, Respondent performed an x-ray and could barely notice puppies developing. On or about February 28, Ellie was taken to Respondent's clinic to check her progesterone level to see if the puppies were ready to be born. It was low, so Respondent believed Ellie and the puppies were ready. Respondent miscalculated the readiness, did not perform repeat x-rays, and directed her contract-relief veterinarian to perform a C-section. The relief veterinarian performed a C-section that same day, but the puppies were premature and all died.
Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Wood, Larry
Larry Wood DVM
CP21-032 07/18/2023 Duty to Cooperate with the Board
On August 31, 2020, a TBVME investigator emailed Respondent stating that he needed full medical records for review regarding a specific animal on a specific date due to a complaint. Despite several follow-up emails, no records were received within 21 days. Eventually, Respondent sent the medical records that were requested, bit not until at least 5 weeks after the original request was made.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Young, Bryan
Bryan Young DVM
7084 Leander CP19-170 01/17/2023 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand; Minimum Security for Controlled Substances
During a February 2, 2019 inspection by the board, the controlled substance logs were incomplete for torbugesic and Euthanasia, and there were no logs for Ketamine. Respondent also failed to have adequate security for his controlled substances by leaving a separate bottle of Torbugesic in a room that did not meet the minimum security requirements.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
(Click on name to see
Official Board Order)
License # City Docket # Date of Action Violation Summary

"The summaries are taken directly from facts in the Agreed Orders. Please click on the linked veterinarian's name to read the entire Agreed Order from the TBVME."
Al Gburi, Mendi
Mendi Al Gburi DVM
aka Mendi Hill DVM
see here and here
8548 Crandall CP19-295 01/06/2022 Professional
Standard of Care;

Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On or about May 25, 2019, respondent treated a five year old male German Shepherd mix, Serge. The treatment provided did not meet the professional standard of care.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Alldredge, Benji
Benji Alldredge DVM
4898 Comfort CP20-300 01/14/2022 Professional
Standard of Care; Responsibility of Veterinarian to Refer a Case;

Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On or about May 12, 2020, respondent treated a ten year old male Siamese mix cat, Bumble. The treatment provided did not meet the professional standard of care. Formal Reprimand; $2,500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Arledge, Travis
Travis Arledge DVM
9778 Winters DK2020-027 07/12/2022 Standard of Care On or about March 9. 2018, respondent treated a three year old female Welsh Corgi, Bonnie, who was in labor with a puppy stuck in the birth canal. The treatment provided did not meet the professional standard of care. Informal Reprimand; $2,000 admin. penalty; 9 hrs. add'l CE
Bell, James
James Bell, DVM
6593 Castroville CP20-184 07/12/2022 Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On or about July 18, 2019 through August 19, 2019, respondent treated a 5 year old female German Shepherd, Coco, and a 3 year old male German Shepherd, Urban. The treatment provided did not meet the professional standard of care. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Boehm, Dana
Dana Boehm, DVM
9524 Taylor CP21-264; CP21-315; CP21-351; CP21-366
01/25/2022 Professional Standard of Care; Adherence to Law; Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping; Minimum Security for Controlled Substances; Maintenance of Sanitary Premises
Respondent boarded a canine, Jax, at her facility from March 13, 2021 to March 20, 2021. After the canine was picked up by the owners, he was subsequently taken to an emergency clinic for ulcers on his back legs and possible urine scalding. Jax was ultimately euthanized due to his injuries. On May 20, 2021, the Williamson County Sherriff's Office executed a search warrant on the respondemt's premises. TBVME conducted a simultaneous inspection. The surgery room was found to be in an unsanitary condition. Some  of the kennels for boarding had urine and feces and some boarded animals did not have access to water; although the majority of these animals were scheduled for surgery which necessitated them being placed on NPO orders by respondent. Animal Control officers determined that the boarded animals were not being provided adequate care and seized all the animals. On the date of inspection, respondent could not produce some of the requested medical records or controlled substances logs. Respondent's controlled substances cabinet was not secured. On June 16, 2021, Williamson County issued an arrest warrant for respondent alleging violations of Texas Penal Code Section 42.092, Cruelty to Non- Livestock Animals. On June 16, 2021, respondent turned herself in, posted bond, and was released the same day. On October 11, 2021, Williamson County issued 4 arrest warrants for respondent alleging two additional counts of Cruelty to Non-Livestock Animals and two counts of tampering with a government document. On October 11, 2021, respondent turned herself in, posted bond, and was released the same day. Respondent was temporarily suspended on October 28, 2021 by a panel of the board. Respondent appeared at an informal conference on November 8, 2021 pursuant to Texas Occ. Code 801.409(c) where it was recommended that staff prepare a Notice of Hearing setting out the details of the complaint and recommended sanctions and forward the Notice of Hearing to the State Office of Administrative Hearings for setting of an administrative hearing. On December 27, 2021, respondent's license was reinstated by operation of law pursuant to Texas Occ. Code 801.409(d) as respondent was not provided notice of a hearing as required by the Texas Veterinary Practice Act or board rule 575.35(g)

Temporary Suspension Order 06/03/2021

Temporary Suspension Order 10/28/2021

Temporary Suspension

Suspension until the resolution of the underlying criminal matter with said suspension stayed and probated for entire period; other conditions outlined in order
Bolt, Allen
Allen Bolt DVM
4080 Abilene
CP20-106 04/26/2022 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On or about November 21, 2019, Respondent provided treatment for an 8-month-old English bulldog named Kitty that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Bookout, Karen
Karen Bookout DVM
11802 San Antonio
CP20-137 04/26/2022 Professional Standard of Care
On or about January 2, 2020, Respondent provided treatment for an 8-year-old cat named Sophie that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Formal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 5 hrs. add'l CE
Box, Ronald
Ronald Box DVM
5697 Pecos
CP19-078 01/25/2022 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On or about November 6, 2018, Respondent provided treatment for a 4-month-old English bulldog named Piper that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Formal Reprimand; $4,000 admin. penalty; 12 hrs. add'l CE
Briers, Scott
Scott Briers DVM
7918 Conroe
CP21-423 06/13/2022 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping; Impaired by Chemical Dependency on Drugs or Alcohol or by Mental Illness
On May 6, 2021, while examining a cat that had presented for stomach issues, Respondent was bitten on his hand then grabbed the cat by the scruff of its neck, threw it against the wall, and then stomped on it several times. He treated the cat for its presenting signs and returned it to the client without disclosing the bite and his reaction. He also failed to document this in the patient's medical records. The client called Respondent 2 days later expressing concern that her cat had not eaten, didn't want to move around, and had fallen off the bed. On May 8, 2021, Respondent took xrays and found a fractured hip. Rather than explain the cause, he instead talked the client into euthanizing the cat due to its age and ailments in order to conceal his misconduct. He also omitted documentation in the patient records to conceal his misconduct. Respondent manifested violent and angry behavior toward the cat due to an underlying mental problem impairing his ability to perform a professional service. On April 27, 2022, the board temporarily suspended Respondent's license after receiving notice that he abused a pet and was being investigated for animal cruelty by the Conroe Police Department-Case #21050448. On May 11, 2022, a panel of the Enforcement Committee of the TBVME found after at least two separate occasions, after manifesting anger fits, Respondent physically abused animal patients in his veterinary clinic in 2021. Respondent's continued practice of veterinary medicine constituted a continuing imminent threat to the public welfare. Thus, the temporary suspension was continued. Temporary Suspension Order 04/27/2022 

Temporary Suspension until Respondent is cleared to practice by a Professional Recovery Network (PRN) approved psychological evaluation. Thereafter, 5 yr. stayed suspension; Probation entire term; other conditions outlined in order; $5,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE; Peer Assistance Program participation
Brockway, Edwin
Edwin Brockway DVM
4222 Hughes Springs
CP20-131 07/12/2022 Professional Standard of Care
On or about December 2, 2019, Respondent provided treatment for a 3-year-old dog named Josie that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Buchanan, Kevin
Kevin Buchanan DVM
6558 Haslet
2019-057 10/18/2022 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On December 5 and 6, 2017, Respondent provided treatment for an 11-year-old Pug named Zoey that did not meet the standard of care as required by the board. The medical records from this period also did not meet the standard required by the board. Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty
Chappel, Brittany
Brittany Chappel DVM
12732 San Marcos
CP20-091 06/20/2022 Professional Standard of Care; Responsibility of a Veterinarian to Refer a Case; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On October 23, 2019, a dog named Rowdy was presented to a veterinarian clinic after ingesting a tampon. Xrays showed an obstruction. The examining veterinarian referred the client to the hospital for IV fluids and to bring Rowdy back the next day for surgery if the obstruction didn't pass. The obstruction didn't pass, so the client brought Rowdy back. Respondent was on duty and did not want to perform the surgery because the obstruction had moved a little. The client opted for surgery. Respondent administered two enemas and sent Rowdy home to be observed for one more day. The client returned the next day when he did not pass the obstruction, and the veterinarians suggested euthanasia but the client refused. S/he took Rowdy to another veterinarian who immediately performed surgery, found three perforations causing leakage of fecal matter into the abdomen, and gave Rowdy a 50/50 chance to survive (due to the delay in surgery). The next day Rowdy passed away. Formal Reprimand; 1 yr. suspension with suspension stayed and probated entire term; semi-annual reports; other conditions outlined in order; $2,000 admin. penalty; 9 hrs. add'l CE
Davis, Patricia
Patricia Davis DVM
CP20-220 04/26/2022 Honesty, Integrity, and Fair Dealing
On or about March 10, 2020, Respondent dispensed heartworm preventive medication to four dogs, Wendy, Zedd, Kahlan, and Elphy without performing a heartworm test beforehand. Respondent allegedly refused to perform the test when the client attempted to purchase the name brand heartworm medication. Informal Reprimand
Deason, Michael
Michael Deason DVM
2594 Corpus Christi
CP18-309 04/26/2022 Professional Standard of Care
On or about June 19, 2018, Respondent provided treatment for an 8-year-old cat named Nova that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Dewitt, Rae Jan
Rae Jan Dewitt DVM
4292 Garland
CP20-073 04/26/2022 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On or about August 6, 2019, Respondent provided treatment for a 3-year-old Chiweenie named Tinkerbell that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Downey, Clarissa
Clarissa Downey DVM
8877 Harlingen
CP21-331 07/12/2022 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On or about May 25, 2021, Respondent provided treatment for a 1-year-old cat named Bella that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Formal Reprimand; $2,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Faulkner, David
David Faulkner DVM
5248 Amarillo
CP19-280 07/12/2022 Professional Standard of Care On February 4, 2019, a 1.5-year-old Great Dane mix named Noni was presented to Respondent after being hit by a truck. On February 6, Respondent performed surgery on Noni's broken femur. He recommended amputation, but the client elected to try to save it. Complications ensued, and Noni developed a recurring infection and needed a second surgery. Respondent never tested the infection even after a month of continued draining and high doses of antibiotics. On March 29, the client sought a second opinion. Given the severity of the break, that veterinarian referred the case to a surgical veterinarian out of state. On May 2, the surgical veterinarian began treating Noni, but by then serious complications due to a number of Respondent's violations of standard of care prevented full recovery. Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Fitzpatrick, Kerry
Kerry Fitzpatrick DVM
aka Kerry Cline DVM
12410 Conroe
CP22-047 01/25/2022 Violation of a Board Order
Respondent was arrested for driving while intoxicated on October 1, 2021 while her license was on probated suspension in Case 2018-061 after being convicted of driving while intoxicated in April 2018.
Temporary Suspension
Suspension until April, 9, 2024; Stayed after Respondent cleared to practice by the Peer Assistance Program; Thereafter, probation for remaining period; other conditions outlined in order, including periodic screenings for prohibited substances

Fox, Jocelyn
Jocelyn Fox DVM
9808 Vernon
CP19-307 04/26/2022 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On or about May 24, 2019, Respondent provided treatment for an 11-year-old Dachshund named Bella that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct.  Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 9 hrs. add'l CE
Fultz, Lindsay
Lindsay Fultz DVM
12899 Mercedes
CP21-087 07/12/2022 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On October 5, 2020, a kitten named Gris was presented to Respondent for hacking and heart racing. Respondent examined Gris, said he probably had an infection and recommended testing for FELV/FIV, although it could not be performed due to Gris' veins being too thin. Respondent gave Amoxicillin, Meloxicam, and Panacur without performing xrays or blood work. After going home, Gris' breathing worsened, so the client took him to a different veterinarian who performed xrays and blood work. After being informed that Gris' lung capacity was at 10% and he had dry pneumonia, the client decided to have him euthanized. Respondent's medical records did not have any veterinarian's name or initials to indicate who provided the service or entered the notes. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Garrick, Robert
Robert Garrick DVM
3256 El Paso
CP20-331 04/26/2022 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping A dog was presented to Respondent for left rear leg pain upon rising. He found the dog being overweight as the primary cause and prescribed and dispensed Metacam. An unknown person wrote handwritten notes on the patient records but they lacked required details and some of the notes were illegible. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Glover, Todd
Todd Glover DVM
12095 League City
CP19-121; CP12-122; CP22-256
10/18/2022 Automatically
Revoked by Operation of Law on May 6, 2022
On May 4, 2022, Respondent was convicted by the 56th District Court of Galveston County of Engaging in Organized Crime, a 1st degree felony, and sentenced to confinement with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Imprisonment began on the date of sentencing.
Revoked; May apply for re-licensure in the same manner as a person applying for a new license
Graham, Tracy
Tracy Graham DVM
9315 Tyler
CP19-353 01/25/2022 Professional Standard of Care
On or about June 22, 2019, Respondent provided treatment for a 14-year-old Cairn Terrier named Martie that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Hanson, Brady
Brady Hanson DVM
11716 Groves
CP20-211 07/12/2022 Professional Standard of Care
On May 3, 2019, an 8-year-old Great Dane named Pippie was presented for TPLO surgery. Several days after the client picked up Pippie, s/he noticed a breakthrough on the stitches and Pippie fell and would not put her foot down, so she brought Pippie back. Respondent recommended xrays, and Pippie's tibia was broken. His improper implant choices were likely why the TPLO failed. Respondent admitted to not having the correct size plates. He should have referred the patient to another veterinarian. While in Respondent's care, Pippie developed bed sores and urine scalding on her tail. The client took Pippie to another veterinarian who diagnosed surgical site infection. On December 10, 2019, Pippie was euthanized. Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Hanson, Brady
Brady Hanson DVM
11716 Groves
CP22-040 07/12/2022 Responsibility for Unlicensed Employees
During an April 30, 2021 on-site inspection by the board, it was discovered that a pet brought into Respondent's clinic in critical condition was euthanized by a non-licensed staff member with no supervising veterinarian. Informal Reprimand; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Hicks, Granville
Granville Hicks DVM
2910 Palestine
CP20-298 01/25/2022 Professional Standard of Care; Honesty, Integrity, and Fair Dealing; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On or about January 13, 2020, an 18-year-old equine named Bubba was presented to Respondent for euthanasia. The client subsequently left and did not receive any communication from Respondent or sign a euthanasia form. On May 23, 2020, the client returned to Respondent's clinic with other horses. When she arrived, she observed Bubba alive in Respondent's pasture in very poor condition. She took Bubba home and had him euthanized on her property. Respondent was unable to provide patient records for the euthanasia visit. Formal Reprimand; $2,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Hoke, Bradley
Bradley Hoke DVM
5497 Corpus Christi
CP21-085 10/18/2022 Supervision of Non-Veterinarians
In November 2020, the board investigated a compliant alleging that a vet tech was allowed to treat, anesthetize, and suture a dog's paw. During an interview with the board, Respondent stated that he had never seen the patient and allowed the tech to perform this procedure if the client was okay with it. Informal Reprimand
Holcomb, James
James Holcomb DVM
4329 Austin
CP21-001 07/12/2022 Professional Standard of Care
On or about August 24, 2020, Respondent provided treatment for a 7-year-old Chihuahua named Rocco that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Holter, Samantha
Samantha Holter DVM
13845 College Station
CP19-273 01/25/2022 Professional Standard of Care
On or about August 13, 2018, Respondent provided treatment for a 13-year-old Schnauzer named Koda that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Honnas, Cheri
Cheri Honnas DVM
14707 Austin
CP21-161 07/12/2022 Professional Standard of Care
On or about December 27, 2020, Respondent provided treatment for a 15-year-old Bichon named Polly that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Ivie, Leslie
Leslie Ivie DVM
9823 Corsicana
CP20-308 04/26/2022 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On or about March 4, 2020, Respondent provided treatment for an 8-year-old Dachshund named Tav that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Kerschbaum, Melanie
Melanie Kerschbaum DVM
7663 Spring
CP19-174 04/26/2022 Professional Standard of Care On or about March 26, 2015, Respondent provided treatment for an 5-year-old Australian cattle dog named Lucy that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand
Koinm, Kelly
Kelly Koinm DVM
15112 Nacogdoches
CP21-128; CP21-129
01/25/2022 Professional Standard of Care On or about November 3, 2020, Respondent provided treatment for two 4-month-old cats named Zoey and Chloe that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs add'l CE; Refund $304.60 to Client
Lass-Andrus, Tami
Tami Lass-Andrus DVM
8703 Pearland
CP19-278 01/25/2022 Professional Standard of Care On or about April 19, 2019, Respondent provided treatment for a 3-year-old Belgian Shepherd mix named Buddy that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Lozano, David
David Lozano DVM
13715 El Paso
CP19-277 01/25/2022 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On or about April 25, 2019, Respondent provided treatment for a 1-year-old Frenchton dog named Laney that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Mayorga, Adam
Adam Mayorga DVM
16046 Webster
CP20-097 07/12/2022 Professional Standard of Care On or about October 24, 2019, Respondent provided treatment for a 10-year-old Pug named Rowdy that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Moore, Harry
Harry Moore DVM
6281 Dallas
CP21-124 10/18/2022 Supervision of Non-Veterinarians; Responsibility for Unlicensed Employees
In October 2020, the board received a complaint alleging that Respondent allowed non-veterinarians to give vaccinations. Through investigation, the board discovered that Respondent allowed non-veterinarians to provide vaccinations without a veterinarian present, believed that a doctor-client privilege from seeing the animal in the previous 12 months allowed employees to give vaccinations, and also believed that general supervision meant being only a phone call away. Informal Reprimand
Nemetz, Nicole
Nicole Nemetz DVM
11619 Iowa Colony CP22-278 10/18/2022 Adherence to Law; Chronic Intoxication, Drug Use, and Drug Dependence Respondent agreed to Board Order 2020-084 and was placed on a 5-year stayed suspension on June 12, 2020 along with mandatory compliance with a Peer Assistance Program (PAP). On May 2, 2022, Respondent tested positive for Tramadol through a urine sample collected by the PAP. She failed to provide requested documentation that she had been prescribed or administered Tramadol and was discharged from the PAP for failure to comply. On June 13, 2022, the board issued an emergency temporary suspension order due to violation of the previous board order.
Temporary Suspension Order 06/13/2022

Temporary Suspension

Enforced suspension until Respondent is cleared to practice by the PRN network; once cleared, 5-yr. probationary period;
Peer Assistance Program participation; quarterly reports; other conditions outlined in order
Padidem, Chandra
Chandra Padidem DVM
11997 Houston
CP20-186 01/25/2022 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On or about January 31, 2020, Respondent provided treatment for a 1-year-old Border collie mix named Nova that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Pamplin, Joseph
Joseph Pamplin DVM
7385 San Antonio
CP20-263 04/26/2022 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On or about April 21, 2020, Respondent provided treatment for a 9-year-old cat named Adrian that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 9 hrs. add'l CE; Refund $573.76 to Client
Parker, Emily
Emily Parker DVM
12594 Lufkin
CP21-415 01/25/2022 Supervision of Non-Veterinarians; Responsibility for Unlicensed Employees; Adherence to Law; Use of Prescription Drugs; Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand; Rabies Control; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping; Prohibition Against Treatment of Humans
Respondent provided prescriptions for staff under the names of their pets, allowed non-licensed persons to perform surgeries on animals, and allowed non-licensed employees to perform examinations, administer rabies vaccines and induce anesthesia without supervision. During an on-site inspection by the board, it was discovered that Respondent's controlled substances inventory contained significant variances and storage did not meet required standards. Respondent's patient records did not include necessary details. 5 yr. Suspension effective November 2, 2021 with said suspension stayed and probated entire term; other conditions outlined in order
Parson, Lacy
Lacy Parson DVM
14153 Austin
CP20-179 04/26/2022 Use of Prescription Drugs From October 12, 2019 through February 11, 2020, Respondent treated a 3-year-old Springer Spaniel named Beau. Respondent prescribed 90 1mg Alprazolam monthly for Beau for the treatment of anxiety; however, the owner had allegedly been taking and abusing the medication herself.
Formal Reprimand; $2,500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Pena, Ricardo
Ricardo Pena DVM
10260 Houston
CP20-038 04/26/2022 Supervision of Non-Veterinarians; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On or about July 22, 2019, Respondent provided treatment for a 13-year-old Poodle mix named Scooter that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Perez-Duboy, Georgina
Georgina Perez-Duboy DVM
16100 Webster
CP20-098 01/25/2022 Professional Standard of Care On or about October 27, 2019, Respondent provided treatment for a 10-year-old Pug named Rowdy that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Ramirez, Mary
Mary Ramirez DVM
9355 Grapevine
CP20-134 10/18/2022 Supervision of Non-Veterinarians On or about October 21, 2019, a 5-year-old Dachshund named Truffles was treated at a facility where Respondent was Co-Hospital Director but not involved in the care or treatment of Truffles. Respondent's supervision of a licensed veterinary technician allegedly did not meet the professional standard as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty
Rohrbaugh, Robert
Robert Rohrbaugh DVM
2699 El Paso
CP20-381 04/26/2022 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On April 23, 2020, a dog was presented to Respondent for persistent left rear leg pain upon rising, excessive diarrhea, abnormal sleeping throughout the day, inactivity, depression, and anorexia. Previously, another veterinarian at the same clinic found the dog to be overweight and prescribed and dispensed Metacam. The second veterinarian did not perform any additional examinations or tests but continued the same treatment. On April 27, the client took her dog to a different veterinarian at a different hospital. That veterinarian performed an examination and tests and diagnosed Giardia, hypothyroidism, hip dysplasia, a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament, and overweight. The dog was treated with different medications and referred to a specialist. An unknown person at Respondent's hospital wrote handwritten notes on the patient records but they lacked required details and some of the notes were illegible. Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Rosebrock, Robert
Robert Rosebrock DVM
4582 Buda
CP22-035 01/25/2022 Adherence to Law; Chronically or Habitually Intoxicated On September 29, 2021, a client called the police after suspecting that Respondent was practicing while intoxicated. That same day, TBVME received a call from the Buda Police Department that Respondent was practicing veterinary medicine while intoxicated, as well as from an employee who not only corroborated that Respondent had practiced while intoxicated that day but Respondent also appeared intoxicated while practicing on other days. Respondent had a history of being chronically or habitually intoxicated with prior arrests and board orders.

5 yr. Suspension effective October 6, 2021 with said suspension stayed after
Respondent is cleared to practice by the Peer Assistance Program; Probation for the remaining period; other conditions outlined in order; Peer Assistance Program participation
Sanders, Bill
Bill Sanders DVM
2813 Terrel
CP21-397; CP21-402
10/18/2022 Controlled Substances Registration; Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping; Minimum Security for Controlled Substances During a July 2021 on-site inspection by the board, it was discovered that controlled substances were not securely stored, controlled substance logs were incomplete and missing, and controlled substances registration had never been performed. Patient records were also found to be missing necessary details. Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty
Scott, Johnny
Johnny Scott DVM
6318 Lockney
CP20-142 01/25/2022   Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On or about January 10, 2020, Respondent provided treatment for a 7-week-old Labrador retriever named Aspen that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Additionally, no medical records indicated care other than radiographs. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Severidt, Dean
Dean Severidt DVM
14078 Plano
CP19-382 01/25/2022  Professional Standard of Care On or about August 27 through 28, 2017, Respondent provided treatment for a 6-year-old Golden retriever named Allie that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Starks, Linwood
Linwood Starks DVM
11780 Grand Prairie
CP20-151 10/18/2022  Professional Standard of Care On January 11, 2020, a dog named Whiskey was presented to Respondent to be neutered. The client picked up Whiskey later in the day and noticed he was bleeding from his incision site so took him to an emergency clinic. The emergency veterinarian determined that Whiskey's incision had reopened and he had developed a hematoma, but s/he did not repair the sutures and instead unsuccessfully attempted to apply skin glue. Whiskey was sent home with antibiotics and instructions to watch the incision. On January 13, the client took Whiskey to his regular veterinarian where he underwent an exploratory procedure for scrotal ablation, blood clot removal, and wound closure. Respondent's medical records did not contain specific details of the procedure performed. Informal Reprimand; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Starks, Linwood
Linwood Starks DVM
11780 Grand Prairie
CP21-251 10/18/2022  Non-Compliance with Peer Assistance Program
On April 9, 2021, the board temporarily suspended Respondent's license after being notified that he was arrested on felony driving while intoxicated charges on March 24, 2021. On April 12, 2021 a panel of the Enforcement Committee of the TBVME found Respondent's continued practice of veterinary medicine constituted a continuing imminent threat to the public welfare and continued the temporary suspension. On June 3, they lifted the temporary suspension and reinstated Respondent's license after he self-referred to the Professional Recovery Network (PRN). On March 1, 2022, PRN discharged Respondent for noncompliance with drug screening protocols. Formal Reprimand; 5 yr. Suspension effective July 12, 2022 with said suspension stayed and probated for entire period; other conditions outlined in order, including Peer Assistance Program Participation
Starks, Linwood
Linwood Starks DVM
11780 Grand Prairie
CP20-258 10/18/2022  Professional Standard of Care On February 21, 2020, a dog named Athena was presented to Respondent for a spay procedure. Afterward, the client became concerned because Athena was lethargic and took her to an emergency hospital. There, an ultrasound showed free fluid and blood in Athena's abdomen. The emergency veterinarian performed surgery and found two small bleeders in the uterus and cervix. Respondent contended these were not due to his procedure. Respondent's medical records did not contain specific details about the procedure performed. Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Symm, William
William Symm DVM
9377 Kerrville
CP20-239 04/26/2022  Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On or about September 26, 2019, Respondent provided treatment for a 6-year-old Chihuahua named Carone that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Thoni, Robert
Robert Thoni DVM
4892 Kilgore
CP19-208; CP19-401
04/26/2022 Professional Standard of Care; Use of Prescription Drugs; Use of Scheduled Drugs in Racing or Training; Controlled Substances Registration; Commpounding Drugs; Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping; Minimum Security for Controlled Substances; Prohibiting Performance of Unauthorized Treatment; Prohibiting Ordering Prescriptions or Controlled Substances without a Valid Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship
TBVME received a complaint that Respondent was issuing testosterone compounds to unlicensed individuals for use in bucking bulls for performance enhancement. An inspection confirmed the allegation. In addition, the records for testosterone, a controlled substance, did not document an examination, diagnosis, treatment plan, or purpose for dispensing. Patient records also lacked necessary details. Active Suspension

5 yr. suspension effective April 28, 2020; $10,000 admin. penalty
Tommack, Tracy
Tracy Tommack DVM
8621 San Antonio
CP19-314 04/26/2022  Adherence to Law
During a January 24, 2019 inspection of Respondent's clinic, the TBVME found that Respondent used a fictitious name to order compounded controlled substances. Respondent then redistributed the controlled drugs to other patients. Respondent also used her prescription pad to prescribe controlled drugs to a fictitious animal and created fictitious patient records for the fraudulent prescriptions. Respondent allegedly wrote over 56 fraudulent prescriptions for controlled drugs.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 4 hrs. add'l CE
Vasquez, Gabriel
Gabriel Vasquez DVM
12718 El Paso
CP19-254 04/26/2022  Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On or about April 27, 2019, Respondent provided treatment for a 1-year-old Frenchton dog named Laney that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Additionally, Respondent failed to document the options he offered to the clients and charged them for emergency care when the patient was dead on arrival. Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Vasquez, Gabriel
Gabriel Vasquez DVM
12718 El Paso
CP19-341 04/26/2022  Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On or about June 17, 2019, Respondent provided treatment for a 3-year-old Staffordshire Bull Terrier named Halle that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Additionally, there was an inaccuracy in the medical records with no amendment to correct it. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Vaughn, Lindsay
Lindsay Vaughn DVM
11878 Austin
CP22-010 10/18/2022  Duty to Cooperate with the Board
In September 2021, Respondent failed to respond to an email from the board requesting information pertaining to a complaint.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Webb, Robert
Robert Webb DVM
6589 Rockwell
CP19-356 01/25/2022  Professional Standard of Care On or about July 16, 2019, Respondent provided treatment for a 3-year-old cat named Sammy that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Weeks, Scott
Scott Weeks DVM
6537 San Antonio
CP20-398 06/13/2022  Professional Standard of Care On July 27, 2020, a cat named Black beard was presented to Respondent's clinic for a dental cleaning and tooth extraction. When the client picked up Black beard, she was unable to walk, crawl, see, smell, or eat. The next day she was walking abnormally and appeared to be blind, without the ability to smell or hear, and would not eat or drink. On July 28, the client took Black beard back to Respondent, was told it was anesthesia, and that she would get better. The clients took Black Beard to an emergency clinic that night where she was diagnosed with possible cerebral hypoxia that occurred during the dental procedure due to a mouth gag holding the mouth open too long and applying pressure on the vessels that supply the eyes and the brain. Formal Reprimand; $2,500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Whetstone, Bethany
Bethany Whetstone DVM
10168 Plano
CP19-321 01/25/2022  Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On or about May 30, 2019, Respondent provided treatment for a 15-year-old cat named Lewis that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 9 hrs. add'l CE
Whippo, Claudia
Claudia Whippo DVM
10564 Adkins
CP20-008 04/26/2022  Professional Standard of Care On or about April 18, 2019, Respondent provided treatment for a 9-year-old male Rottweiler named Diesel that allegedly did not meet the standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Additionally, Diesel's blood was taken by Respondent's assistants, and serum was submitted instead of whole blood. The medical records from this period were also illegible and did not reflect who made the entries into the record.
Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
White, Larry
Larry White DVM
3341 Houston
CP20-287 06/13/2022  Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping; Patient Records Release and Charges
A guinea pig was presented to Respondent because it was not feeling well and not eating like normal. Respondent examined the guinea pig and cleaned its mouth full of food to inspect the teeth. Respondent found nothing visibly wrong with its genital area. When the signs persisted, the client took her guinea pig to another veterinarian the next morning. Respondent's staff faxed over incomplete medical records that lacked necessary details and failed to follow up with amended/complete records. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Windsor, Crystal
Crystal Windsor DVM
10846 Amarillo
CP20-245 07/12/2022  Supervision of Non-Veterinarians; Professional Standard of Care
On or about April 3, 2020, Respondent provided treatment for a 10-week-old Golden Doodle named Daisy that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Wirz, Andrew
Andrew Wirz DVM
16298 Houston
CP20-380 01/25/2022 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On or about June 20, 2020, Respondent provided treatment for a 3-year-old Boxer mix named Rakim that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Wright, Michele
Michele Wright DVM
11802 San Antonio
CP20-081 01/25/2022 Professional Standard of Care On or about March 30 through April 12, 2019, Respondent provided treatment for a 14-year-old dog named Bimbo that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
(Click on name to see
Official Board Order)
License # City Docket # Date of Action Violation Summary

"The summaries are taken directly from facts in the Agreed Orders. Please click on the linked veterinarian's name to read the entire Agreed Order from the TBVME."
Baker, Wendell
Wendell Baker DVM
3535 Waller CP19-082 02/09/2021 Professional
Standard of Care;

Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On or about October 13, 2018, Respondent provided treatment for a 1-year-old dog named Kona that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. The medical records from this time did not include necessary details.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 9 hrs. add'l CE
Bennett, Randal
Randal Bennett DVM
5580 Quitman DK2020-116 05/13/2021   Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On or about August 18, 2018, Respondent provided treatment for a 6-year-old dog named Copper that did not meet the standards required by the board's rules of professional conduct.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Boeving, Susan
Susan Boeving DVM
7315 Southlake 20-060 10/28/2021   Standard of Care On or about September 24, 2019, Respondent provided treatment for an 8-year-old Pomeranian dog named Bentley that did not meet the standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct.
Informal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Book, Bradley
Bradley Book DVM
8734 San Antonio
2020-060 05/13/2021 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On or about September 256, 2017, Respondent provided treatment for a 7-year-old Pitbull named Weiser. The client did not receive the requested medical records until 17 days following Weiser's death and did not receive copies of xrays or radiology reports. Furthermore, the medical records from this period did not include notes from the Respondent.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Brooks, James
  James Brooks DVM
3725 Junction
2020-082 02/09/2021 Veterinarian Client Patient Relationship; Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
During a September 25, 2019 on-site inspection by the board, it was discovered that Respondent was compounding medications without noting in medical records the specific disease or condition the compound was to be used for, Respondent was prescribing controlled substances to patients without indicating the medical necessity in patient records, and Respondent was prescribing medication to patients without a valid veterinarian-client patient relationship.
Formal Reprimand; $2,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
DeCola, Kristen
  Kristen DeCola DVM
10993 Seguin
2020-066 02/09/2021 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping An inspection revealed that Respondent was prescribing controlled substances without adequate description in the medical records of the purpose for the prescription and the withdrawal times of the controlled substances.
Informal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Doherty, Michael
  Michael Doherty DVM
4047 New Braunfels
CP21-252 05/13/2021 Professional Standard of Care
On at least 8 patients between April 27, 2020 and March 23, 2021, Respondent performed veterinary surgery that did not meet standards of care.
5 yr. stayed suspension; Probation entire term; other conditions outlined in order; $8,000 admin. penalty; 16 hrs. add'l CE
Duncan, Silvia
  Silvia Duncan DVM
8236 Fort Worth
2020-085 05/13/2021   Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On or about July 10, 2018, Respondent provided treatment for two 9-year-old cats named Miichan and Kumakun, and the medical records were inadequate and did not clearly distinguish between the cats.
Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Ervin, Lu
  Lu Ervin DVM
5474 Waco
2020-010; 2020-011; CP20-148
02/09/2021 Professional Standard of Care; Violation of a Board Order
On or about February 7 and March 24 through July 19, 2019, Respondent provided treatment for a 4-year-old cat named Penny and a 4-year-old Poodle/Schnauzer mix named Knucklehead, respectively, that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Per Agreed Order DK2017-148, Respondent was to meet certain continuing education requirements by November 22, 2019, but did not, despite a warning letter on December 10 and a final email on January 3, 2020.
 Retirement in Lieu of Discipline
retirement in lieu of discipline
Fields, Dustin
  Dustin Fields DVM
8714 Azle
2021-004 02/09/2021   Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On or about January 10, 2018, Respondent provided treatment for a cat named Coal, and the medical records were missing necessary details.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Gerdes, Kathleen
  Kathleen Gerdes DVM
14306 Sunset, LA
CP19-245 05/13/2021   Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On April 12, 2019, Respondent provided treatment for a 10-year-old dog named Shasta that did not meet the standard of care required by the board's rules of professional conduct. The medical records from this time did not include necessary details. Informal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 7 hrs. add'l CE
Gilbertson, Michelle
   Michelle Gilbertson DVM
14676 Dallas
2017-123 05/13/2021   Modified Board Order to 2017-123
See prior Board Order with same Docket No. 2017-123 Stayed suspension until April 4, 2022; Probation entire term
Hardy, Robert
  Robert Hardy DVM
7825 Austin
CP18-174; CP19-186
10/28/2021   Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On or about February 8, 2018 and January 18, 2019, Respondent provided treatment for a 4-year-old dog named Leo and a 15-year-old Chihuahua mix named Nosferatu that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. In addition, Respondent's records from this time did not meet the minimum standard as required by the board's rules of professional conduct.
Formal Reprimand; $4,000 admin. penalty; 15 hrs. add'l CE
Hudson, Caleb
   Caleb Hudson DVM
13025 Houston
2019-006 02/09/2021   Professional Standard of Care 4yo Mastiff named Mia presented to Respondent for surgical removal of a mass on the left forelimb and a sebaceous cyst on the left hindlimb. Respondent removed the lymph node rather than the sebaceous cyst without attempting to contact the referring DVM or the owner. Respondent also did not adequately prepare the surgical site.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Johnson, D. Wade
  D. Wade Johnson DVM
6023 Little Elm
2020-086 08/03/2021   Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On or about June 29, 2018, Respondent provided treatment for a 3-month-old cat named Kimchi that allegedly did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Furthermore, the carprofen given for pain in teh dewclaw procedure was used off-label and the medical records from this period were inadequate.
Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Mandava, Devendernath
  Devendernath Mandava DVM
12305 Keller
2019-104 08/03/2021   Professional Standard of Care On or about December 26, 2018, Respondent provided treatment for a 14-year-old Havanese named Dottie that did nto meet the professional standard of care as requried by the board's rules of professional conduct.
Formal Reprimand; $2,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Murray, Jerome
  Jerome Murray DVM
7038 Dallas
2019-023 02/09/2021   Supervision of Non-Veterinarians On September 20, 2017, a 3-year-old cat named Bella was presented to Respondent for a spay procedure. Respondent's receptionist inadvertently wrote on the paperwork that Bella had been presented for a dewclaw procedure. Respondent declawed Bella.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Perusek, Jennifer
  Jennifer Perusek DVM

CP21-294 10/28/2021   Violations NOT LISTED in Board Order
Respondent submitted an application for TBVME licensure on June 10, 2021. She provided information that she had previously been the subject of administrative disciplinary proceedings before the Michigan and Indiana veterinary boards. On November 18, 2018, the Indiana veterinary board entered an order against Respondent for failing to properly store medications and failure to exercise reasonable diligene in the use of expired medications. Respondent was placed on an indefinite probation that was lifted on April 23, 2021 at the request of Respondent. Due to the order issued by the Indiana veterinary board, the Michigan veterinary board suspended Respondent's license there until her Indiana license was fully reinstated. Her Michigan license was also reinstated on April 23, 2021.
1 yr. stayed suspension; Probation entire term; other conditions outlined in order
Powell, Joshua
  Joshua Powell DVM
11498 Houston
2020-109 02/09/2021   Professional Standard of Care
On or about Octoer 19, 2018, Respondent provided treatment for a 9-year-old Shih-Tzu named Bella that did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct.
Informal Reprimand; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Sperry, Wesley
  Wesley Sperry DVM
10928 Richardson
2020-058 05/13/2021   Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On or about June 1, 2018, Respondent provided treatment for an 8-year-old dog named Patch. The medical records from this period were inadequate and did not show the specific veterinarian who treated Patch.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Watts, Ashlee
Ashlee Watts DVM
12437 College Station
CP22-059 11/10/2021 Adherence to Law On October 21, 2021, Respondent was indicted by a Brazos County Grand Jury for Felony Cruelty to Livestock Animals. Respondent's continued practice of veterinary medicine constituted a continuing of imminent threat to the public welfare.
Temporary Suspension

Suspension until superseded by a subsequent order or by operation of law

Wehr, Frances
  Frances Wehr DVM
12666 Marshall
2020-021 05/13/2021   Professional Standard of Care On or about July 26, 2018, Respondent performed a prophylactic dental cleaning on a 5-year-old mastiff named Eli. Per the request of the client, Respondent examined the dog's shoulder which he had injured while playing with another dog. Respondent prescribed meloxicam in doses 2.3 to 4.5 times higher than indicated. Eli died of liver and kidney failure on August 9, 2018. The treatment provided did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct.
Formal Reprimand; $2,500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Weir, Henry
  Henry Weir DVM
2983 Universal City
CP20-405 02/09/2021   Professional Standard of Care; Honesty, Integrity, and Fair Dealing; Display of License; Use of Prescription Drugs; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping; Prohibition Against Treatment of Humans
During an August 19, 2020 on-site inspection by the board, records revealed that Respondent had been providing medical treatment to at least nine people, including himself. It was also found that Respondent had been dispensing expired medications.
Formal Reprimand; 5 yr. stayed suspension; Probation entire term; $5,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Wesson, Shonda
  Shonda Wesson DVM
aka Shonda Stallings DVM (see here)
12950 Houston
2020-101 05/13/2021   Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On or about November 4, 2018, Respondent provided treatment for a 15-year-old cat named Luna that did not meet the standards required by the board's rules of professional conduct.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
York, Cheryl
  Cheryl York DVM
13353 Austin
CP19-115 02/09/2021   Professional Standard of Care On June 26 and July 12, 2018, Respondent evaluated and treated a dog named Zoe. On Jun 27 and July 18, she performed surgery to remove mast cell tumors. She failed to properly prepare the surgical site which did not meet the standard of care required by the board's rules of professional conduct.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
(Click on name to see
Official Board Order)
License # City Docket # Date of Action Violation Summary

"The summaries are taken directly from facts in the Agreed Orders. Please click on the linked veterinarian's name to read the entire Agreed Order from the TBVME."
Alexander, John
John Alexander DVM
14089 Laredo 2019-053 01/27/2020 Professional
Standard of Care;
Unprofessional Conduct
On October 9, 2017, a 10-year-old Basset hound named Molly was presented to a different veterinarian at the same facility for loss of bladder control. Antibiotics were prescribed and workup for Cushing's disease recommended. On October 19, Molly was lethargic and had GI symptoms. She was returned to the clinic and examined by Respondent who did not perform diagnostics or refer to another veterinarian, but recommended that Molly return the following Monday. Later that afternoon, as Molly continued to decline and Respondent's facility did not answer a phone call, Molly was presented to a different facility. There, diagnostics showed that she had liver dysfunction, high blood sugar, anemia, thrombocytopenia, and a stress leukogram, as well as abdominal fluid and a mass near her heart. Molly coded and CPR was initiated, but she continued to decline and experienced brain death, at which point the owners consented to euthanasia. A necropsy revealed that she died due to renal failure and liver rupture, and pathology demonstrated multiple liver hemorrhages, presumably indicative of chronic hepatitis and anemia.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Beam, Kevin
Kevin Beam DVM
8730 Alvarado 2019-134 09/23/2020 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand
During a July 3, 2018 on-site inspection by the board, it was discovered that Respondent did not have accurate balances on hand for diazepam, midazolam, and ketamine.
Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty
Blue, Diarra
Diarra Blue DVM
12985 Cypress CP18-126 09/23/2020 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand
During a January 24, 2018 on-site inspection by the board, it was discovered that Respondent did not have a running balance for hydromorphone since November 2017 or for hydrocodone since July 2017.
Formal Reprimand; $3,000 admin. penalty
Carter, Nancy
Nancy Carter DVM
8113 Tyler 2019-136 09/23/2020 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand
During a March 12, 20189 inspection by the board, it was discovered that Respondent did not have accurate balances on hand for ketamine, butorphanol, midazolam, buprenorphine, and tramadol. In addition, controlled substance logs lacked required information like the patient and client name as well as the reason for administration.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Claus, Kimberley
  Kimberley Claus DVM
10857 Mesquite CP18-313 09/23/2020 Practicing Vet Med with Expired License
Respondent's license expired on April 30, 2018, and she did not renew until August 2018. She continued to practice veterinary medicine without a license during the lapsed period, and it was her third late license renewal since 2014.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Dyes, Jonathan
  Jonathan Dyes DVM
7446 San Antonio
2019-128 09/23/2020 Violation of Board Orders
On April 19, 2019, Respondent entered a Final Agreed Board Order with a probated suspension for 5 years. Respondent was required to submit to Peer Assistance Program evaluation within 30 days and enter into a contract for 5 years. Respondent submitted to the evaluation 3 weeks after the deadline, on June 12, and as of October 17, 2019 failed to sign the July 17 contract or communicate the intent to sign to the board or the Peer Assistance Program.
Stayed suspension until April 19, 2024; Probation entire term; Proof of compliance with medical treatments, therapies, and medication protocols
Evans, Jennifer
  Jennifer Evans DVM
10098 San Antonio
2019-097 09/23/2020 Professional Standard of Care
On June 27, 2018, a 9-year-old cat named Felina was presented to Respondent for treatment of a possible cancerous lump on her abdomen. Respondent examined Felina, performed diagnostics, and recommended surgery to remove the lump. After she performed the surgery on July 6, she prescribed antibiotics and advised the client that it would not be necessary to clean the incision, and she did not place an e-collar. On July 9, Felina was lethargic and inappetent and had a small hole in her abdomen. Respondent recommended hospitalization overnight. On July 10, the client returned to the facility. At that time, the opening had expanded but the client was given a different antibiotic and instructions to clean and flush the wound. On July 14, the hole in Felina's abdomen became larger. Felina was returned to the facility but no veterinarian was on site, so the client was given a copy of the medical records and advised to take Felina to a different hospital. There, Felina was seen by a different veterinarian who examined and treated the wound and recommended surgery to reclose the incision and control the infection. A second surgery was performed to debride the wound and infected tissue, but there was still a concern for infection.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE; Refund $372.80 to Client
Evans, Jennifer
  Jennifer Evans DVM
10098 San Antonio
2019-102 09/23/2020 Professional Standard of Care
On December 15, 2017, a rescued French bulldog named Ross was presented to Respondent for a neuter procedure and to address vomiting. Respondent performed diagnostics, recommended surgery, and prescribed Cerenia. On December 18, Ross' condition had not improved so he was re-presented to Respondent who performed a neuter/ex-lap surgery to rule out a gastric foreign body. No gross abdominal abnormalities were found. A local internal medicine specialist was called to discuss referral. She recommended an abdominal ultrasound, as well as testing for Myasthenia gravis and Addison's disease, and Ross was hospitalized until the results came back. On December 19, Ross was found to have low cortisol and was given steroids. On December 20, Ross regurgitated after eating and Cerenia was added. Tapeworms were observed, so he was given Praziquantel. On December 22, Ross' condition began to deteriorate. The volunteer stated that when she arrived to retrieve Ross, he was covered in dried blood, urine, pus, and fecal matter, and his incisions appeared infected. On December 23, Ross was presented to a different veterinarian who advised that he likely had sepsis. Ross was then euthanized.
Formal Reprimand; $2,500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Gomulak, Myron
  Myron Gomulak DVM
8641 Gainesville
2017-183 09/23/2020 Loss of Accreditation; Delegation and Supervision Relating to Official Health Documents; Issuance of Official Health Documents through Direct Knowledge Only
On December 29, 2016, the board received information that Respondent had attended an informal meeting with the USDA regarding his accreditation during which he consented to suspension for 2 years. Findings substantiated by the USDA showed that Respondent submitted 12 blood samples from 3 horses, and he also submitted falsified blood submissions on five other occasions. Respondent further acknowledged that he allowed the owner of the horses being tested to draw the blood samples submitted under his name/on his behalf without his direct supervision.
Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty
Guillory, Christina
  Christina Guillory DVM
11712 Friendswood
2019-054 01/27/2020 Professional Standard of Care
On April 12, 2017, an 8-year-old Dachshund named Jellybean was presented to Respondent for routine vaccinations, dental examination, and a wellness check. Jellybean's blood work and vital signs were normal, she was bright, alert, and responsive, and she appeared to be in good health. Approximately 5 minutes after she was given a distemper/parvovirus/adenovirus booster and a rabies vaccine (one in each shoulder), she experienced a severe anaphylactic reaction and low blood pressure. Respondent treated her, but she continued to decline, so Respondent contacted a critical specialist. The specialist recommended further blood tests, then an abdominal tap which showed blood in Jellybean's abdomen. The specialist suspected Jellybean had a tumor that ruptured and was bleeding while undergoing a vaccine reaction. Jellybean's heart and lungs stopped. CPR was initiated but failed to resuscitate her and she subsequently died. Post-mortem xrays showed no evidence of a tumor, and a necropsy performed by Respondent suggested a liver etiology.
Informal Reprimand; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Hall, Rusty
  Rusty Hall DVM
4319 Nome
CP20-010 09/23/2020 Professional Standard of Care
During an August 20-21, 2019 on-site inspection by the board, it was discovered that Respondent had surrendered his DEA license in 2016 and since used Rompun (xylazine) and chlorhexidine for euthanasia.
5 yr. stayed suspension; Probation entire term; quarterly reports; $4,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Homer, Mark
  Mark Homer DVM
6239 San Antonio
2020-028 09/23/2020 Professional Standard of Care
On June 21 and 22, 2018, a 12-year-old dog named Candy was treated by Respondent. She was brought in with complaints of diarrhea, anorexia, and lethargy. Respondent performed diagnostics and treated Candy with IV fluids, antiemetics, anti-inflammatories, and prophylactic antibiotics and kept her overnight for observation. The following afternoon, xrays revealed suspected pyometra. Candy had two seizures that afternoon and did not survive the second one. A necropsy revealed that Candy had been suffering from a pyometra.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Hummel, Kristin
  Kristin Hummel DVM
13859 Conroe
2019-092 09/23/2020 Supervision of Non-Veterinarians
Between April 26 and May 1, 2017, a 2-year-old Teacup Poodle named Bear was treated by a series of veterinarians, including Respondent, for a serious case of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. During his treatment, different warming systems were used. While under care of Respondent, he was maintained on heat support with a Gaymar T/Pump circulating water heating pad set to 107 degrees Fahrenheit. On April 28, a foreign body was surgically removed from the ileum. On April 29, a dark discoloration was noted at the base of Bear's tail and back. A fine needle aspirate indicated necrosis. A thermal burn was suspected. On May 1, Bear was presented to a veterinarian at Texas A&M Small Animal Hospital who examined him and advised that he would not be able to survive the injuries.
Informal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Jones, Randy
  Randy Jones DVM
4968 Fort Worth
2019-140 01/27/2020 Controlled Substances Records Keeping for Drugs on Hand
During a July 12, 2018 on-site inspection by the board, it was discovered that Respondent did not have an accurate balance on hand for midazolam and tramadol. Respondent was asked to furnish updated and corrected records to the board within 30 days, but as of November 16 no records had been received.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Kaaz, James
  James Kaaz DVM
7539 Montgomery
2019-089 09/23/2020 Professional Standard of Care
On January 12, 2017, a 4-year-old Border Collie mix named Jake was presented to Respondent to address a ruptured cranial cruciate ligament. Respondent recommended surgery and transferred Jake to a different facility. On January 25, a Cora Based Leveling Osteotomy or CBLO was performed. Jake was boarded post-operatively on January 26 and administered carprofen 100mg, tramadol 150mg, and cephalexin 1000mg every 12 hours. The client said Jake was not sedated while boarded and removed his e-collar and staples, but she received no communication from Respondent regarding his status or recovery during this time. On January 30, Jake stopped eating and defecating. Respondent did not transfer Jake into observation. On the morning of February 1, Jake worsened. Images of the abdominal cavity revealed a large amount of feces in the colon. Enemas were performed with manual evacuation of the colon to relieve the constipation. Afterward, Jake began gasping for air and his heart subsequently stopped. CPR was unsuccessful and Jake died.  Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Lavigne, Michael
  Michael Lavigne DVM
13038 Cypress
CP18-131 09/23/2020 Controlled Substances Records Keeping for Drugs on Hand
During a January 24, 2018 on-site inspection by the board, it was discovered that Respondent did not have a running balance for hydromorphone since November 2017 or for hydrocodone since July 2017. Formal Reprimand; $3,000 admin. penalty
Lewis, Kirk
  Kirk Lewis DVM
7473 Austin
CP18-290 09/23/2020 Professional Standard of Care
On May 24, 2018, Respondent performed surgery on an 8-month-old pug named Deccie for a broken elbow. Respondent and his facility provided follow-up care on June 7, 9, 10, and 11. The treatment provided did not meet the standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct.
Informal Reprimand; 3 hrs. add'l CE; Refund $1,859.50 to Client
Malinski, Harry
  Harry Malinski DVM
15508 Burleson
2020-041; 2020-042
10/16/2020 Adherence to Law; Controlled Substances Regisration; Chronic or Habitual Intoxication; Prescribint Drugs to a Patient without a Valid Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship
On September 15, 2019, Arlington EMS responded to Respondent's residence because Respondent's live-in partner (another veterinarian) was in cardiac arrest. Respondent admitted to Arlington PD that they had been using cocaine and that he was also in possession of cannabis edibles. During the investigation of this complaint, it was found that Respondent used a veterinary clinic address for his DEA registration where he worked as a veterinary assistant (but not a veterinarian) previously. According to the owner of that clinic, the clinic had received phone calls from distributors seeking to verify orders for Tramadol from the Respondent. The Prescription Monitoring Database showed that Respondent called in a prescription for 180 Tramadol tablets for a dog that didn't exist. He also called in prescriptions for Augmentin and Sildenafil for dogs that didn't exist. The investigation revealed a video of the Respondent from 2017 admitting that he was on Alprazolam and alcohol, although the Respondent's patient Prescription Monitoring entries showed no prescriptions for Alprazolam. Respondent's continued practice of veterinary medicine constitutes a continuing of imminent threat to public welfare.
Temporary Suspension

Temporary suspension shall be continued and shall remain in effect until superseded by a subsequent order or by operation of law; temporary suspension shall be lifted after an evaluation by the board's Peer Assistance Program has declared Respondent safe to practice veterinary medicine
Manning, Jonathan
  Jonathan Manning DVM
12514 Campbell
2020-026 09/23/2020 Professional Standard of Care
On or about March 21, 2017, Respondent treated a 7-year-old equine named Rumchata. Conditions in the Respondent's facility were inadequate and contributed to minor injuries sustained by the equine during treatment. The treatment provided did not meet the standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct. Informal Reprimand
Marsh, Sharon
  Sharon Marsh DVM
11840 Troup
2020-001 09/23/2020 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On June 13, 2018, 5- and 2-year-old Great Danes named Corey and Camouflage were presented to Respondent to be neutered and spayed. The client expressed concern that Corey's gums were white and was advised by Respondent's veterinary assistant that it was an effect of anesthesia and that she would be fine. On the drive home, Corey had labored breathing and could not stand or hold her head up. She died at ~6pm that day.
Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Montalbano, John
  John Montalbano DVM
11256 Harlingen
2019-129 09/23/2020 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand
During a June 12, 2019 on-site inspection by the board, it was discovered that controlled substance logs were substantially incomplete and out of date for Euthanasia, Buprenorphine, and Ketamine.
Formal Reprimand; $2,000 admin. penalty; follow up report to the board
Moore, Gregory
  Gregory Moore DVM
5122 Southlake
2019-142 09/23/2020 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand
During a May 30, 2019 on-site inspection by the board, it was discovered that controlled substance logs were out of date and had discrepancies for Beuthanasia, Butorphanol, Diazepam, Ketamine, Telazol, Telazol/Torbugesic/Dexdomitor (TTDex), four different dosage units of Alprazolam, Hycodan tablets, Hycodan syrup, Phenobarbital, and Tramadol.
Formal Reprimand; $2,500 admin. penalty
Nemetz, Nicole
  Nicole Nemetz DVM
11619 Iowa Colony
2020-084 09/23/2020 Adherence to Law; Chronic Intoxication, Drug Use, and Drug Dependence
On January 27, 2019, TBVME received an evaluation from the Professional Recovery Network. In the report, Respondent admitted to diverting ketamine for personal use. She also admitted to obtaining a DEA license for the sole purpose of ordering ketamine for personal use.
5 yr. stayed suspension; Probation entire term; Peer Assistance Program participation; quarterly reports; other conditions outlined in order
Newman, Jennifer
   Jennifer Newman DVM
13756 New Braunfels
2019-095 01/27/2020 Supervision of Non-Veterinarians
On June 12, 2017 a 9-year-old miniature Schnauzer named Sal was presented to Respondent for potential foreign body obstruction. After radiographic confirmation, Respondent recommended immediate exploratory surgery. During surgery, a veterinary assistant warmed fluid bags and placed them on either side of Sal's thorax for body temperature support. The foreign body was successfully removed and Sal was hospitalized until June 14. After returning home with Sal, the clients observed him flinching and kicking while being touched. On June 25, they noted hair loss. On June 28, they noticed red oozing raw skin in circular patches on both sides of Sal's torso and immediately returned Sal to the facility. Respondent examined Sal and suspected a thermal burn. She prescribed Silver Sulfadiazine cream and suggested continuing medicated shampoo. The clients said she gave no other instructions or recommend a follow-up appointment, but Respondent and her medical records said she did.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Nigliazzo, Michael
   Michael Nigliazzo DVM
8815 Fort Worth
2020-025 09/23/2020 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
A dog named Coco was boarded at a facility from March 21 to April 7, 2018. Coco was brought to Respondent's clinic and examined by him on March 26. Records from this examination do not include details necessary to substantiate or document the examination.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Pickett, Jaime
   Jaime Pickett DVM
Henrico, VA
2020-107 09/23/2020 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping; Minimum Security for Controlled Substances
Respondent submitted an initial application for TBVME licensure on February 18, 2020. She provided information that she had previously been the subject of six administrative disciplinary proceedings before the Virginia veterinary board. A 2008 complaint alleged that she failed to properly perform a dewclaw procedure, failed to maintain records, had expired medicine in working stock and had unsecured medications. A 2009 complaint alleged that she failed to verify the license of a veterinary employee for 2 months. A 2011 complaint alleged that she failed to renew a facility permit before expiration, failed to keep proper inventories of medications, and failed to keep proper records. A 2012 inspection generated a complaint alleging that she did not post licenses properly, kept expired medicine in stock, and had issues with drug distribution logs. A 2014 inspection generated a complaint alleging that she did not post licenses and still had expired drugs in stock. A 2016 complaint alleged that she violated the professional standard of care and failed to maintain proper patient records.
2 yr. stayed suspension; Probation entire term; other conditions outlined in order
Preissinger, Ronald
   Ronald Preissinger DVM
Fort Worth
CP19-111 09/23/2020 Professional Standard of Care
Respondent treated a dog named Yale on December 1, 2018. That treatment did not meet the professional standard of care required by the board's rules of professional conduct.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Ramirez, Noel
   Noel Ramirez DVM
2017-153 01/27/2020 Professional Standard of Care
On August 26, 2016, a 10-month-old cat named Tootsie Roll was presented to Respondent for difficultly breathing. The clients arrived at ~3:45pm but were not seen by a veterinarian for ~1 hour. Respondent did not triage Tootsie Roll, administer oxygen, or offer to sedate Tootsie Roll during this period. A veterinary assistant examined Tootsie Roll and stated that he appeared to be very weak and feeble. S/he informed the clients that Tootsie Roll might be injured and could possibly have a hernia. Respondent entered the room and attempted to examine Tootsie Roll. The clients said he lifted Tootsie Roll up by the scruff and then threw Tootsie Roll back onto the examination table, then falling to the floor. Respondent stated that he was scratch by Tootsie Roll and dropped him in reaction. Tootsie Roll then went limp and died shortly after.
Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Ramirez, Noel
   Noel Ramirez DVM
2019-121 01/27/2020 Duty to Cooperate with the Board
On July 16, 2018 a complaint was filed against Respondent. On July 27, 2018, a board investigator mailed formal notice of the complaint and sent two emails, directing Respondent to respond within 21 days. Respondent did not respond to these inquiries. On March 18, 2019, a board investigator contacted Respondent by telephone. He confirmed that the email address was still valid. Respondent was informed that another email was forthcoming and he was required to respond. As of July 22, 2019 he had not responded.
Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty
Ramirez, Noel
   Noel Ramirez DVM
2019-131 09/23/2020 Adherence to Law
On March 23, 2018, a former co-worker of Respondent filed a complaint alleging that Respondent would leave for lunch and return smelling of marijuana and alcohol. She believed that he was habitually under the influence of narcotics and alcohol while practicing. On March 26, a board investigator spoke with a former employee who also stated that she observed Respondent return from lunch smelling of marijuana and alcohol and noted empty cocaine bags in the bathroom. Between April 30 and June 12, the board investigator conducted a series of interviews with Respondent's former co-workers and colleagues. They attested that he had been observed under the influence of narcotics and alcohol while at work. One stated that a supervising veterinarian even moved all of the practice's controlled substances to a new safe and would not give Respondent access. One licensed veterinary technician at the practice stated that on at least one occasion the Respondent picked him up and was smoking marijuana cigar and drinking alcohol in his vehicle. Another technician stated that he smelled of marijuana at work. On June 12, the investigator interviewed Respondent who appeared agitated and stated that he would continue to smoke marijuana.
1 yr. stayed suspension; Probation entire term; Peer Assistance Program participation; other conditions outlined in order
Rohani, Ali
   Ali Rohani DVM
2019-060 09/23/2020 Professional Standard of Care
On February 8, 2018, a 1-year-old Yorkshire Terrier named Odin was presented to Respondent to have his baby teeth extracted. A heating device was used. After returning home that night, Odin cried and did not sleep well. The next day, his testicles were red and appeared to have a burn mark the size of a quarter which was painful to the touch. On February 10, Odin was returned to the facility and seen by a different veterinarian. She identified a thermal injury and prescribed topical anti-inflammatory spray and an e-collar. Later that day, Odin was presented to another veterinarian at a different facility for a second opinion, and he noted the lesion but could not determine a cause.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Rohani, Ali
   Ali Rohani DVM
2020-008 09/23/2020 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand
During a September 10, 2019 on-site inspection by the board, it was discovered that the controlled substance logs did not contain accurate balances on hand for Burprenorphine, Butorphanol, Euthasol, Hydrocodone/Homatropine, Hydromorphone, and Midazolam.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Ross, Aubrey
   Aubrey Ross DVM
CP18-131 09/23/2020 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand
During a January 24, 2018 on-site inspection by the board, it was discovered that Respondent did not have a running balance for hydromorphone since November 2017 or for hydrocodone since July 2017. Formal Reprimand; $3,000 admin. penalty
Schorling, Jamie
   Jamie Schorling DVM
Baton Rouge, LA
CP20-185 09/23/2020 Reporting of Criminal Activity
The TBVME Compliance Division received a fingerprint notification that Respondent had been arrested on January 17, 2020. As of February 17, 2020, she had failed to report it to the TBVME. She was previously issued a warning letter for fraud on her state application for failing to disclose past arrests and had been advised about the need to report all arrests to the TBVME.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Schroeder, Jason
   Jason Schroeder DVM
2019-114 09/23/2020 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On November 21, 2017, a 10-year-old Labrador retriever named Lucy was presented to Respondent with arthritis, vision problems, and inappropriate urination. Respondent performed blood work. On December 4, Respondent prescribed medications for arthritis and urine leakage. The client also reported a mild cough that had lasted several months. Respondent took xrays and prescribed Vetmedin and Furosemide. Respondent stated that he offered a referral to a cardiologist, but his medical records do not reflect this. On December 26, Lucy presented to Respondent for vomiting and decreased appetite. She was hospitalized until January 1, 2018. Respondent's medical records did not indicate whether Vetmedin and Furosemide were continued during the hospitalization and did not include notations of urination and defecation.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Schwyzer, Robert
   Robert Schwyzer DVM
Santa Fe, NM
CP20-158 09/23/2020 Duty to Cooperate with the Board
On December 17, 2019, the TBVME Complaince Division received a fingerprint report on Respondent for a 2012 DUI arrest in New Mexico that Respondent had not previously disclosed to TBVME. The Compliance Division attempted to contact Respondent on December 19, 20, 30, January 2 and 21, and had yet to receive a response.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Sciba, Cole
   Cole Sciba DVM
CP19-351 01/27/2020 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On October 23, 2018, Respondent examined a horse at a training farm. The horse had a fever and nasal discharge. These same symptoms had presented in another horse at the facility and Respondent prescribed the same antibiotics that had been successfully used. On June 27, 2019, the owner of the horse received a bill for services from Respondent. She called the Respondent's clinic and asked to speak to the treating veterinarian and for a copy of her records. Respondent spoke with her to explain the examination and treatment but was unable to provide any medical records apart from the invoice.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Shofner, Robin
   Robin Shofner DVM
CP20-234 09/23/2020 Failure to Report Criminal Activity
Respondent was arrested on April 14, 2019 for driving while intoxicated and felony evading arrest. She did not report this incident to the board until April 13, 2020. Respondent has a previous docket for failing to report in 2017.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Smetak, Linda
   Linda Smetak DVM
CP19-128 09/23/2020 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
Respondent treated a dog named Bullet on May 3 and 4, 2018 and did not keep adequate records of this treatment as required by the board's rules of professional conduct.
3 hrs. add'l CE
Snyder, William
   William Snyder DVM
El Paso
2020-022 09/23/2020 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping; Supervision of Unlicensed Personnel
On April 30, 2018, Respondent performed a dental cleaning on a 9-year-old cat and administered 2.8mL of ketamine. The cat was picked up later in the day, refused to eat, and never fully opened his eyes and could not stand. The client returned the cat to Respondent the next morning. He treated the cat with subcutaneous fluids and a Vitamin B shot. On May 2 and 3, the cat was seen elsewhere and monitored, The cat's condition was worsening. He was admitted overnight on May 3 and died during the night. The treatment provided by Respondent did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct.
Formal Reprimand; 2 yr. stayed suspension; Probation entire term; other conditions outlined in order; $2,500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Southerland, Amy
   Amy Southerland DVM
2019-028 01/27/2020 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On March 5, 2017, an 8-year-old cat named Mushy was presented to an emergency clinic for failure to urinate and inability to eat. Another veterinarian diagnosed him with urinary obstruction and recommended overnight hospitalization. That veterinarian became busy so Respondent offered to pass the urinary catheter in her absence. The catheter passed with resistance, a larger one was attempted but failed so the smaller one was reinserted and secured. Respondent's medical records stated that not stone was seen in the radiograph that was taken. Mushy was left to recover and transferred to a third veterinarian for overnight care. That veterinarian noted there was no urine in the line but a veterinary assistant flushed it easily. Later a small amount of urine was seen, and yet later the catheter backed out. The total amount of urine collected since Mushy had been unblocked was 10mL. That veterinarian attempted to replace the catheter but was not able to consistently get urine pulled back in any position. Her medical records indicated that the original radiograph by Respondent showed bladder rupture. The client was called regarding Mushy's condition and exploratory surgery was recommended, but she elected to have Mushy euthanized.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Speir, James
   James Speir DVM
CP20-366 09/23/2020 Violation of Board Order; Prohibition of Chronic or Habitual Intoxication
Respondent submitted an initial TBVME license application on May 17, 2019 and, during the process, noted that he had been arrested for driving while intoxicated in May 2014, January 2015, and November 2017. He was, at the time, on probation until June 2021. LA2019-103 required that Respondent submit to an evaluation with the board's Peer Assistance Program and enter into a contract with the program for at least 2 years. In addition, he was required to abstain from the consumption of alcohol for the duration of the order. Respondent missed four drug screenings. On July 6, 2020, Respondent tested positive for alcohol use and admitted to consuming it. Respondent's continued practice of veterinary medicine constituted a continuing of imminent threat to the public welfare.
Revoked Revoked. Do not seek reinstatement for 5 yrs.
Terrazas, Luis
   Luis Terrazas DVM
El Paso
2019-040 09/23/2020 Supervision of Non-Veterinarians; Professional Standard of Care
On May 5, 2017, a 4-year-old mixed breed dog named Bruce had been attacked by another dog. He had severe puncture wounds and lacerations and was bleeding heavily. He was rushed to a specialty center for emergency treatment. Respondent saw him 20 to 30 minutes after arrival. After an initial examination, Respondent told the client that Bruce would be started on pain medications and his injuries sutured. He told her she could go home and return in the morning. A couple of hours later, the client called the facility to check on Bruce and was told Respondent had not yet started treatment. Shortly thereafter, he started treatment. During anesthesia, Bruce went into cardiac arrest. Around midnight, a veterinary technician contacted the complainant to inform her of Bruce's condition. She consented to CPR, but efforts were unsuccessful and Bruce subsequently died of hemorrhagic shock.
Formal Reprimand; $2,000 admin. penalty
Tipton, Alonzo
   Alonzo Tipton DVM
2019-141 01/27/2020 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand
During a November 18, 2018 on-site inspection by the board, it was discovered that Respondent had outdated logs and did not have accurate balances on hand for LixoTorb, Torbugesic, Ketamine/Acepromazine, Ketamine, and Tramadol.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Vadell, Reagan
   Reagan Vadell DVM
CP18-139 09/23/2020 Professional Standard of Care
On February 3 and 4, 2018, Respondent provided care to a dog named Otis that did not meet the professional standard of care as required by the board's rules of professional conduct.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Vestal, Donald
   Donald Vestal DVM
San Antonio
CP20-088 09/23/2020 Prohibition Against Treatment of Humans
During an October 10, 2019 on-site inspection by the board, Respondent admitted to writing a testosterone prescription for his dog and using it for himself.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Wuensche, Randy
   Randy Wuensche DVM
2019-139 01/27/2020 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Substances on Hand; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
During a September 21, 2018 on-site inspection by the board, a review of Respondent's medical records revealed lack of required information and his controlled substance logs did not have accurate balances on hand for Butorphanol, Euthanasia, and Midazolam.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Young, Richard
   Richard Young DVM
Fort Worth
2019-138 01/27/2020 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Substances on Hand
During a July 7, 2018 on-site inspection by the board, it was discovered that the controlled substance logs had not been updated and had numerous discrepancies for Buprenorphine, Butorphanol, Diazepam, and Ketamine.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
(Click on name to see
Official Board Order)
License # City Docket # Date of Action Violation Summary

"The summaries are taken directly from facts in the Agreed Orders. Please click on the linked veterinarian's name to read the entire Agreed Order from the TBVME."
Akin, Joel
Joel Akin DVM
6921 Arlington 2019-095 01/29/2019 Default on Child Support Payments Default on child support payments, aggravated by multiple prior board orders.
5 yr. stayed suspension; Probation entire term;  Meet other conditions outlined in order
Al Gburi, Mendi
Mendi Al Gburi DVM
aka Mendi Hill DVM
see here and here
8548 Dallas 2017-226 04/09/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand Diversion and personal use of controlled substances, previous Peer Review Association  program required, failure to comply with 2015 board order.  2017-226 for no controlled substance log
Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty
Andrews, Michael
Michael Andrews DVM
2862 Emory 2019-108 10/15/2019 Supervision of Non-Veterinarians;  Responsibility for Unlicensed Employees; Professional
Standard of Care;  Honesty, Integrity, Fair Dealing; Adherence to the Law; Use of Prescription Drugs;
Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand;
Veterinarian Patient Records Keeping; Minimum Security for Controlled Substances; Dishonest or Illegal Practice; Gross Malpractice
Allowed veterinary assistant to perform surgeries including feline neuters and tooth extractions.  Performed tooth extraction on dog without owner consent and broke dog's jaw.  Dog died.  Did not tell owner what happened.  Medical records violations. Controlled substances violations.
Active Suspension 6 month ACTIVE suspension; 5 year probated suspension; Formal Reprimand; $6,500 admin. penalty; 12 hrs. add'l CE;  Take and pass jurisprudence examination; other conditions as listed in attached board order.
Ansari, Mohammed
Mohammed Ansari DVM
4880 Cypress 2019-031 04/09/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand Controlled substance logs did not have required information.  No controlled substance log for tramadol.
 Formal Reprimand; $2,000 admin. penalty.
Azer, Hany
Hany Azer DVM
12375 Mansfield 2019-096 10/15/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand On inspection did not have correct balances of three controlled substances.
 Formal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty.
Behrends, David
David Behrends, DVM
4485 Blanco 2019-036 04/09/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand Controlled substance logs did not have correct balances.
Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty
Bielamowicz, Cary
Cary Bielamowicz DVM
5695 Groesbeck 2019-118 10/15/2019 Reporting of Criminal Activity Charged with assault - family violence and did not report to the board
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Boehm, Dana
Dana Boehm DVM
9524 Taylor 2019-037 04/09/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand Controlled substance logs did not have correct balances.
Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty.
Bruner, Kelly (Maass)
Kelly Bruner DVM
6471 Millsap 2018-103 01/29/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand During a November 8, 2017 on-site inspection by the board, it was discovered that Respondent did not have an accurate balance on hand for ketamine. At the time of the inspection, Respondent held a DEA registration and ordered controlled substances for the facility. Respondent had prior violations of a similar nature (see agreed order 1994-05).
Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty
Cline, Kerry
Kerry Cline DVM
aka Kerry Fitzpatrick DVM
aka Dr. Kerry's PetVet
12410 Conroe 578-18-
01/08/2019 Reporting of Criminal Activity; Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand; Use of Prescription Drugs; Adherence to the Law; Prohibition Against Treating Humans; Minimum Security for Controlled Substances; Dishonest or Illegal Practice On April 4, 2018, Respondent was found by two police officers at the scene of a one-vehicle accident involving her vehicle. The officers found syringes and vials containing controlled substances (e.g., midazolam, morphine), as well as a bottle of tramadol that had been prescribed to Respondent's deceased dog. She was arrested for driving while intoxicated. A blood test showd both morphine and midazolam in her system. She pleaded guilty to a Class B misdemeanor on April 18, 2018, was sentenced to serve 3 days in county jail, and to pay a fine. She did not report her conviction to the board. On June 29, 2018, during an on-site inspection by the board, Respondent did not have a controlled substance log for injectable morphine despite invoices showing the purchase of several vials. On repeated occasions between February through April 2018, Respondent used the morphine to treat herself for migraines. Following the inspection, Respondent surrendered her DEA registration and all controlled substances on hand. That same day, the Executive Committee of the board determined that her continued practice of veterinary medicine constitutined a continuing or imminent threat to the public and issued an order suspending her license. On July 6, 2018, Respondent submitted to a substance abuse and mental health evaluation by Professional Recovery Network (PRN). There was some debate as to whether she suffered from opiois use disorder, but her diversion of drugs from her practice, her improper use of controlled substances to treat herself, and her driving while intoxicated posed serious hazards which were enabled by her access to controlled substances in her practice. She also allowed her husband, an unauthorized individual, access to controlled drugs from her practice for the purpose of injecting her with the drugs on April 4, 2018. On July 10, 2018, a hearing was held before the Executive Committee of the board, and they decided that her license shoudl remain suspended. On August 1, 2018, she agreed to waive the 60-day deadline by which a final hearing must be held, and on August 15, 2018, board staff issued a Notice of Hearing. Temporary SuspensionTemporary suspension; ALJ Recommendations: Formal Reprimand;  $2,500 admin. penalty; 5 yr. probated suspension;
Cooper, Jocelyn
Jocelyn Cooper DVM
10937 Helotes 2018-098 01/29/2019 Continuing Education Respondent indicated on her license renewal application that she failed to obtain 7 of the required 17 hours of continuing education during calendar year 2017.
$750 admin. penalty; 7 hrs. add'l CE
D'Amura, Thomas
  Thomas D'Amura DVM
3867 Arlington 2016-104 07/02/2019 Prohibition Against Interference or Intervention; Prohibited Practices Related to Certain Entities Clients paid Texas Pet Hospice directly and Texas Pet Hospice paid D'Amura his portion.  Texas Pet Hospice is not owned by a veterinarian.
Informal Reprimand
Daigle, Marcus
  Marcus Daigle DVM
9433 Taylor 2019-033 10/15/2019 Reporting of Criminal Activity
Pled no contest to child abuse without great bodily harm in Florida and did not report to the board
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty
Dean, Paul
Paul Dean DVM
4930 Ft. Worth 2018-067 01/29/2019 Responsibility for Unlicensed Employees On August 7, 2017, a 7-year-old Pit Bull named Bailey was presented to Respondent for lameness. Respondent suspected cranial cruciate ligament insufficiency and discussed surgical options. The clients opted for a lateral suture for the left rear leg. Respondent stated that he also discussed the possiblity of a CCL tear on the right rear leg, but the medical records do not reflect any concerns or communications regarding the right leg. On August 9, surgery was mistakenly performed on the right rear leg.
Informal Reprimand
Deegan, Robert
  Robert Deegan DVM
14975 Dallas 2019-021 10/15/2019   Professional Standard of Care
During TPLO surgery dog regurgitated, resulting in aspiration pneumonia.  Released to go home, but had nasal discharge per owner.  After treatment failures, the dog died.
Informal Reprimand
Demere, Kerry
Kerry Demere DVM
8441 Canyon 2018-082 01/29/2019 Observance of Confidentiality Client left a bad review and Demere responded with information on the care and treatment of a patient.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Digilio, Kathie M.
Kathie Digilio DVM
4103 Hockley 2016-023 07/02/2019   Cruelty to Livestock Animals; Reporting of Criminal Activity
Arrested for cruelty to livestock animals (horses).  Failed to timely report arrest Formal reprimand; 2 yr prob. Susp; quarterly reports; $3,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs add'l CE
Digilio, Kathie M.
Kathie Digilio DVM
4103 Hockley 2018-065 07/02/2019 Professional Standard of Care; Patient Record Keeping
Advised client dog had cancer and should be euthanized.  No tests done.  Records were later changed after a complaint was filed Formal reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 9 hrs add'l CE
Dozier, Cheritha
Cheritha Dozier DVM
8918 Ft. Worth 2019-017 01/29/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand On inspection did not have correct balances of two controlled substances.
Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty
Dyes, Jonathan
  Jonathan Dyes DVM
7446 San Antonio 2017-204 04/09/2019 Professional Standard of Care;  Cruelty to Livestock Animals; Dishonest or Illegal Practice; Gross Malpractice
Previously abused dog with male aggression was repeatedly beaten by vet.  Vet claims he's off his medication to treat pseudobulbar affect.  Client was informed something happened, but not the severity of it. Formal reprimand; 5 yr prob. Susp; quarterly reports; $2,000 admin. penalty; Peer Assistance Program participation
Foland, Paula
Paula Foland DVM
10918 Weatherford 2017-143 01/29/2019 Supervision of Non-Veterinarians; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping Treated 5 yo dog, Bart.  Foland referred client to tech for discussion of teeth cleaning.  Records do not reflect the examination, diagnosis or treatment options.  Client reports she was not told there would be teeth extractions.  Foland removed 19 teeth.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Franks, Joanne
  Joanne Franks DVM
8078 Dallas 2019-071 07/02/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand Controlled substance log had incorrect amounts on inspection Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty
Gleason, Christopher
Christopher Gleason DVM
6002 Duncanville 2018-068 01/29/2019 Responsibilty of Veterinarian to Refer a Case Treated 6 yo dog, Diesel, who was lethargic, vomiting, and unable to eat or drink.  Gleason treated Diesel and sent him home with an IV catheter in place.  Later that day Diesel had seizures and returned to the clinic.  Gleason treated Diesel again and sent him home without referring to an ER.  Diesel was taken to a different veterinarian who diagnosed Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia.
Informal Reprimand
Glover, Todd
Todd Glover DVM
12095 League City 2019-043 01/16/2019 Adherence to the Law; Use of Prescription Drugs;  Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand; Minimum Security for Controlled Substances; Dishonest or Illegal Practice On December 27, 2018, Respondent was arrested in Texas and charged with rape and sexual battery allegedly committed on December 1, 2018 in Louisiana. During January 15 and 16, 2019 on-site inspections of Respondent's two facilities by the board in coordination with the DEA, it was discovered that Respondent's controlled substance records did not contain required information, including dates of acquisition and quantity purchsed. The logs also did not have accurate balances on hand for ketamine, tramadol, and diazepam. Respondent did not store controlled substances in a secure manner and permitted an employee with a previous controlled substances conviction to access them. The inspection also revealed that Respondent repeatedly prescribed Adderall to animals when it was not therapeutically indicated. These prescriptions were written for Respondent's own animals and animals owned by Respondent's employees. Respondent's continued practice of veterinary medicine constituted a continuing of imminent threat to the public welfare. Temporary SuspensionTEMPORARY SUSPENSION

ALJ Recommendations: Formal Reprimand;  $2,500 admin. penalty; 5 yr. probated suspension
Green, Jonathan
  Jonathan Green DVM
4523 Huntsville 2019-073 07/02/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand Vet had not updated controlled substance log for some drugs for months and other drugs for up to two years Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty
Hardy, Robert
  Robert Hardy DVM
7825 Austin 2019-115 10/15/2019 Responsibility for Unlicensed Employees
Respondent prescribed Trifexis 10-20 pounds but staff provided 40-60 pounds.  Dog required care for overdose toxicity Informal Reprimand
Harris, Stephen
  Stephen Harris DVM
5308 Austin 2019-013 04/09/2019 Violation of Board Orders/Negotiated Settlements; Continuing Education
Failed to timely get CE hours required under prior Board Order and had a standard of care complaint pending and a controlled substance record keeping and patient record keeping complaint pending Retirement in Lieu of Discipline
retirement in lieu of discipline
Harvey, Joshua
  Joshua Harvey DVM
10402 Decatur 2019-035 04/09/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand On inspection controlled subtances log had not been updated and amounts were incorrect Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty
Hawkins, Kristine
  Kristine Hawkins DVM
11466 San Antonio 2019-070 07/02/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand; Minimum Security for Controlled Substances
On inspection controlled subtances log did not include 878 expired pentobarital tablets that had been donated Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty
Helcel, David
David Helcel DVM
11365 Austin 2018-086 01/29/2019 Professional Standard of Care Dog with prior history of mild BUN elevations was anesthetized for a teeth cleaning.  Two teeth were removed.  Dog's systolic blood pressure fell below 90mmHG during procedure.  Dog was released to owners, but began declining.  Four days postop, dog was presented but given only Metacam and no blood work.  Six days postop, dog was diagnosed with renal failure with poor prognosis by a different veterinarian.  Owner opted to euthanize. Formal Reprimand; $2,500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Henry, William
  William Henry DVM
3938 San Antonio 2019-069 07/02/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand; Minimum Security for Controlled Substances
On inspection controlled substances log had incorrect balances, drugs stored insecurely Formal Reprimand; $2,500 admin. penalty
Hill, Helen
  Helen Hill DVM
14098 McAllen 2019-120 10/15/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand
On inspection controlled substances log was not found Formal Reprimand; $2,000 admin. penalty
Ishak, Atalla
Atalla Ishak DVM
13273 Irving 2019-001 01/29/2019 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping Failed to obtain blood work on dog with complications following spay.  Blood work indicated presence of active ovarian tissue. Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Jager, Mitchell
Mitchell Jager DVM
2622 Robinson 2018-102 01/29/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand; Minimum Security for Controlled Substances On inspection controlled substances log had incorrect balances, drugs stored insecurely Formal Reprimand; $2,000 admin. penalty
Jaxxon, Oswell
Oswell Jaxxon DVM
3588 Missouri City 2016-092 01/29/2019 Professional Standard of Care Dog died of sepsis following spay and treatment failures Formal Reprimand; Restitution $44.42; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Johnson, Christina
  Christina Johnson DVM
7559 Leakey 2019-030 04/09/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On inspection controlled substances log had incorrect balances, and patient records did not contain required information Formal Reprimand; $2,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Johnson, Stephen
Stephen Johnson DVM
4732 Aledo 2019-029 01/29/2019 Labeling of Medications Dispensed; Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping During a June 28, 2018 on-site inspection by the board, it was discovered that Respondent did not have a controlled substance log. At the time, the facility had Euthasol, diazepam, ketamine, and ketamine/acepromazine mixture on hand. The inspection also revealed that Respondent's medical records lacked necessary details, and his drug labels did not contain required information.
Formal Reprimand; $2,500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Jones, Randy
  Randy Jones DVM
3780 Houston 2019-046 07/02/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand
Controlled substance logs did not have correct balances. Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty
Kang, James
  James Kang DVM
7126 Irving 2018-059 04/09/2019 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
9 year old dog presented with lethargy, moving slowly and loss of appetite.  Respondent prescribed joint support and administered annual vaccinations Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Kapp, Jennifer
  Jennifer Kapp DVM
7361 Carrollton 2017-158 04/09/2019 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
8 mo. old shelter dog presented for neutering, experienced swelling at incision.  Returned the afternoon of neuter. Records do not reflect exam results.  Later that day, dog presented to different vet who noted single cruciate suture leaving 2/3 caudal incision open.  Suture was tight, preventing adequate blood supply.  Vet also noted scrotal hematoma with significant bruising and infection. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Key, Shelby
  Shelby Key DVM
10821 Kerrville 2019-044 04/09/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand; Minimum Security for Controlled Substances On inspection, no controlled substance log for several controlled substances Formal Reprimand; $3,000 admin. penalty
Koplos, Peter
  Peter Koplos DVM
7201 El Paso 2017-037 10/15/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand; Minimum Security for Controlled Substances Controlled substance logs did not have correct balances.  Two of three safes to store drugs were not secure. Informal Reprimand; $5,000 admin. penalty
Kores, Kerry
  Kerry Kores DVM
11910 Dallas 2017-117 04/09/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand On inspection controlled records log had not been updated for four weeks Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty
Lambert, Terry
  Terry Lambert DVM
3948 San Antonio 2019-068 07/02/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand On inspection did not have an accurate balance on  hand of ketamine, tramadol, and diazepam  Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty
Lee, Rodney
  Rodney Lee DVM
2633 San Antonio 2019-032 04/09/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand; Minimum Security for Controlled Substances On inspection did not have accurate balances of some controlled substances, stored ketamine in unlocked cabinet instead of in safe Formal Reprimand; $2,500 admin. penalty
Lopez-Rees, Elizabeth
  Elizabeth Lopez-Rees DVM
Austin 2018-083 04/09/2019 Fraud or Deception in Examination Process or to Obtain License; Chronic or Habitually Intoxicated, Chemically Dependent, or Addicted to Drugs; Dishonest or Illegal Practice; Subject to Disciplinary Action in Another Jurisdiction Applied for license in 2018. Responded no to question of whether she was addicted or treated for alcohol dependency.  Received inpatient treatment for alcohol dependency.  Responded no to question of whether she had received disciplinary action.  Received a settlement from the Indiana Horse Racing Commission for participation in and violations of law.  Relinquished her IHRC license in 2014 and agreed not to re-apply before 2017.  Indiana shows expired. Formal reprimand; 5 yr prob. Susp; Peer Assistance Program participation
Lozano, David
David Lozano DVM
13715 El Paso 2019-012 01/29/2019 Continuing Education Failed to obtain 17 CE hours prior to license renewal $750 admin. penalty; 17 hrs. add'l CE
McConnell, Corinne
  Corinne McConnell DVM
College Station
2019-119 10/15/2019 Reporting of Criminal Activity
Arrested for interfering with a public servant.  Arrested for  assault causing bodily injury - family violence.  Neither arrest was timely reported to the board. Informal reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Melloy, Brent
Brent Melloy DVM
6672 Friendswood 2018-064 01/29/2019 Professional Standard of Care Dog sent home with possible injested foreign body rather than immediate surgical intervention.  Surgery performed the next day by a different clinic, but dog later died of peritonitis.
Informal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Meyer, Jay
  Jay Meyer DVM
2018-048; 2018-049
07/02/2019 Professional Standard of Care; Responsibility of a Veterinarian to Refer a Case; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
Two complaints:  African Grey parrot died in care.  Respondent performed foreign body surgery on dog.  Claims he did not use a heat source.  Dog sustained burns on left side, but "There is insufficient evidence to determine whether…" the burns occurred under Respondent's care. Informal reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Moskosky, Matthew
Matthew Moskosky DVM
11398 Fredericksburg 2015-176 01/29/2019 Modification of Board Order Modification of prior Board Order (Peer Assistance Program) May seek to obtain a Controlled Substance registration;  Extend Peer Assistance Contract by 3 add'l yrs.
Muhr, Melanie
  Melanie Muhr DVM
2019-024 10/15/2019 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
Cat's temperature dropped from 102.1 to 94 during teeth cleaning.  Temperature changes and warming methods were not in the records. Informal reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Murphy, Michael
  Michael Murphy DVM
Stillwater, MN
2019-080 07/02/2019 Reporting of Criminal Activity
DWI in Minnesota, pleaded guilty, did not report arrest and charges to the board Informal reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Nokes, Jerri
  Jerri Nokes DVM
2019-025 04/09/2019 Performing or Prescribing Unnecessary or Unauthorized Treatment
Removed teeth from dog without consulting owner Informal reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Ohlen, Jeana
  Jeana Ohlen DVM
Cedar Creek
2019-101 10/15/2019 Performing or Prescribing Unnecessary or Unauthorized Treatment Removed 17 teeth from 7 year old miniature Schnauzer dog without owner consent. Informal reprimand
Pacheco, Anjeanette
Anjeanette Pacheco DVM
10244 San Antonio 2017-031 01/29/2019 Professional Standard of Care; Responsibility of a Veterinarian to Refer a Case On September 29, 2016, a 2-year-old Great Pyrenees named Calypso was presented to Respondent for a spay procedure. That afternoon, the client was called and informed that Calypso was ready to be picked up. When she arrived, Calypso was still groggy and had blood surrounding her incision. A technician took Calypso back for observation. At ~4pm, dextrose and antisedan were administered. Calypso remained lethargic, but Respondent did not refer her to an emergency facility. Instead, Respondent completed an unrelated surgical procedure and re-evaluated Calypso. She performed an abdominal tap which revealed frank blood then anesthetized Calypso and reopened her abdomen to find the source of the hemorrhage. She did not administer an intravenous catheter and supportive fluids before operating. She noted a large volume of blood in Calypso's abdomen. As she removed it, Calypso's heart rate dropped. Respondent  administered medicines and CPR but was unable to revive Calypso.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Patterson, William
William Patterson DVM
7564 Kerrville 2018-056 01/29/2019 Professional Standard of Care Dog died within two minutes of induction for teeth cleaning and extraction
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Powers, Barbara
  Barbara Powers DVM
San Antonio
2018-055 04/09/2019 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
Macaw parrot presented with regurgitation and loose droppings on July 18. Respondent diagnosed crop statis.  Owner phoned with info which is not in the records.  Macaw again presented on July 22 and diagnosed with egg bound. Informal reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Pratt, Stephanie
  Stephanie Pratt DVM
2019-079 07/02/2019 Reporting of Criminal Activity
Failed to report March 20, 2014 felony driving while intoxicated with a child Informal reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Pratt, Stephanie
  Stephanie Pratt DVM
2019-103 07/02/2019 Chronically or Habitually Intoxicated, Chemically Dependent, or Addicated to Drugs
Vehicle accident on February 2, 2019, charged with DWI (second offense), blood alcohol content .332.  Notified board of arrest and criminal charges on April 1, 2019. 5 yr prob. Susp; Peer Assistance Program participation
Preissinger, Ronald
  Ronald Preissinger DVM
Fort Worth
2019-007 07/02/2019 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
Cat presented with rapid breathing.  Resondent's records do not include any details of the treatment.  Records were amended after the complaint was filed, but records do not indicate that an amendment was made Informal reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Putnam, Larry
Larry Putnam DVM
3138 Keller 2019-011 01/29/2019 Continuing Education Failed to obtain CE hours before license renewal $750 admin. penalty; 4.5 hrs. add'l CE
Redmond, Ashley
  Ashley Redmond DVM
Port Richey
2019-041 07/02/2019 Professional Standard of Care
Cat presented with not eating well, weak, and diarrhea on January 13.  Given Convenia and Flocillin.  That evening Owner reported cat was limping.  On March 2, cat presented with puncture wound on tail and greatly swollen and trailing right hind paw.   Given another Convenia injection. March 27, cat had not improved.  Respondent took over care on March 29.  No medical record entries between March 29 and April 4.  April 4 and 5, bacteria and fungal cultures taken, but found negative.  Cat sent home April 13.  Cat presented again on May 3, but Respondent's records do not include details of the treatment.  Records were amended after the complaint was filed, but records do not indicate that an amendment was made.  Owner returned to visit on May 11 and found cat shivering.  Took cat to different vet.  Cat died on May 13 of circulatory collapse secondary to sepsis of leg wound, and subsequent cardiac arrest. Formal reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Robinson, Bryan
  Bryan Robinson DVM
2019-100 10/15/2019 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
Portions of records on 15 year old cat were illegible and did not identify veterinarian who performed or supervised the procedures recorded. Informal reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Rogers, Stefanie
  Stefanie Rogers DVM aka Stefanie Mosley
2019-027 07/02/2019 Supervision of Non-Veterinarians; Responsibility for Unlicensed Employees
Veterinary assistant gave medication but did not record it.  Second assistant gave the medication again. Informal reprimand; Jurisprudence Examination
Rodeghier, Michelle
Michelle Rodeghier DVM
7232 Plano 2018-091 01/29/2019 Professional Standard of Care On September 4, 2016, a 10-year-old Labrador retriever named Jake was presented to Respondent after not wanting to eat all day, dry heaving, and having a swollen abdomen. Respondent examined Jake and xrays confirmed gastric dilation-volvulus (GCV). Respondent discussed the grave prognosis with the client, but he elected surgical intervention. Respondent stated that the surgery was routine until she relieved the stomach torsion at which point Jake became hypotensive and his heart rate dropped. Fluids were increased and medicines administered, and his blood pressure improved. A gastropexy was performed and fluids were continued, but Jake was not given any additional sedatives or pain medication. At ~5pm another veterinarian assumed responsibility for Jake. The next day, Jake continued to decline and was found deceased in his kennel at ~9pm.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty 
Rook, Jimmy
  Jimmy Rook DVM
2018-066 04/09/2019 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
4 mo. old dog presented on April 3 with vomiting, no appetite, and had not defecated in 5 days.  Records indicate owner could not afford surgery, but owner denies this.  Records presented to Board were changed but amendments were not indicated by Respondent.  Dog died on April 11.  Owner thought dog was coming home that day.  Records insufficient to determine when or if a surgery for obstruction was performed. Formal reprimand; $3,000 admin. penalty; 9 hrs. add'l CE
Rouillard, Kevin
Kevin Rouillard DVM
7701 Wichita Falls 2018-079 01/29/2019 Supervision of Non-Veterinarians Respondent practiced at a low-cost spay neueter clinic. During 2017, he and other veterinarians allowed other non-licensed employees to extract minor retained deciduous teeth.
Informal Reprimand
Rourk, Terrell
Terrell Rourk DVM
7868 Ft. Worth 2018-018 01/29/2019 Use of Prescription Drugs Dog presented with an inner ear infection.  Respondent was busy in surgery.  Assistant prescribed Cerenia without veterinarian-client-patient relationship.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; Jurisprudence Examination
Saathoff, Brian
Brian Saathoff DVM
8410 Hockley 2019-016 01/29/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand During a March 31, 2018 on-site inspection by the board, it was discovered that Respondent did not have an up to date or accurate balance on hand for Euthanasia. At the time of the inspection, Respondent held a DEA registration and orderd controlled substances for the facility.
Formal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Seely, Michael
  Michael Seely DVM
2019-076 07/02/2019 Observance of Confidentiality
Client left a negative review and vet responded with confidential information of the patient Informal reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Shaw, Neil
Neil Shaw DVM
12714 Tampa, FL 2017-094 01/29/2019 Responsibility for Unlicensed Employees On Saturday, February 27, 2016, a 9-year-old cocker spaniel named Markee began having trouble breathing and was presented to an emergency clinic co-owned by Respondent and another veterinarian after a call to let them know they were on the way. When the client arrived, the front desk was not staffed. A staff member came from the treatment area ~10 minutes later but mistakenly believed the client was there for non-emergent care. The client waited for over an hour in the waiting area with Markee as he struggled to breath and staff continued to treat other patients. After ~1 hour had passed, the client left the facility to go to another emergency hospital. By that time, Markee was in critical condition and passed away a few hours later.
$1,000 admin. penalty
Shelby, John
  John Shelby DVM
2019-084 10/15/2019 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
5 month old Pomeranian diagnosed with parvo and hospitalized. Records did not include necessary information such as the method of administration and total amount of Metronidazole given.
Informal reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Sidwa, Louisa
  Louisa Sidwa DVM
2019-072 07/02/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand
On inspection (Huntsville) had not updated controlled substance log for some drugs for months and other drugs for up to two years
Informal reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty
Speir, James
  James Speir DVM
Oceano, CA
2019-103 10/15/2019 Chronic or Habitual Intoxication, Chemical Dependence, or Addiction to Drugs
3 DWI's in California, disclosed to the Board when he applied to reinstate his license in Texas. Previously licensed in Texas in 2001-2003. California license on probation in California until August, 2021.
2 yr prob. Susp; Peer Assistance Program participation
Tammen, Tonya
Tonya Tammen DVM
8205 Wichita Falls 2018-072 01/29/2019 Supervision of Non-Veterinarians Respondent practiced at a low-cost spay neueter clinic. During 2017, she and other veterinarians allowed other non-licensed employees to extract minor retained deciduous teeth. Informal Reprimand
Thiel, Milton
  Milton Thiel DVM
2019-038 07/02/2019 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping
On July 6, 10 week old dog presented with fractured leg and was splinted. On July 10, dog presented to Respondent, who resplinted the leg. Patient records to not contain details to substantiate treatment. July 17 dog presented to emergency clinic who changed the split and noted elasticon applied directly to skin and multiple small open wounds.
Informal reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Tunmire, Kimberly
Kimberly Tunmire DVM
5464 Bastrop 2019-004 01/29/2019 Adherence to the Law; Use of Prescription Drugs; Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping; Prohibition Against Treatment of Humans; Chronically or Habitually Intoxicated, Chemically Dependent, or Addicted to Drugs; Engaging in Illegal Practices in, or Connected with, the Practice of Veterinary Medicine During 2017 and 2018, multiple facility employees alleged that they observed Respondent divert diazepam and hydrocodone for personal use and appear intoxicated while practicing veterinary medicine at the facility. They noted that her intoxication impacted her practice, including an incident in which she fell asleep while performing surgery. During a July 19, 2018 on-site inspection by the board, the facility could not produce the requested 5 years of controlled substance records. Records prior to March 2018 were inaccurate, had incomplete and missing entries, and were missing balances on hand. Respondent's medical records contained numerous inconsistencies with the facility's controlled substance records regarding the amount of controlled substances administered or dispensed. Respondent's medical records also indicated that she dispensed allegedly excessive amounts of tramadol, frequently omitted the identity of the veterinarian performing the procedure and other necessary details, and portions were illegible. During an October 10, 2018 on-site inspection by the board in conjunction with the DEA, Respondent admitted to converting controlled substances for personal use.
Temporary Suspension Continuation

Tunmire Temporary Suspension

Voluntary Surrender  Surrender veterinary license in lieu of discipline. May petition for reinstatement in 3 years
Ulfohn, Ronald
  Ronald Ulfohn DVM
2019-078 07/02/2019 Duty to Cooperate with the Board; Fraud or Deception in the Examination Process or to Obtain a License
Charged with felony assault with a dangerous weapon in Springfield Massachusetts in 1979. Charges dropped. Charged with destroying property in Montgomery County, Virginia in 1983. Charges dropped. Respondent checked no on license application question regarding are you a party to legal proceedings, either civil or criminal.
Informal reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Vodehnal, Matthew
  Matthew Vodehnal DVM
2019-074 07/02/2019 Controlled Substances Record Keeping
On inspection controlled substances log was months behind on some drugs and up to two years on other drugs
Formal Reprimand; $2,000 admin. penalty
Wehrenberg, Aaron
  Aaron Wehrenberg DVM

Carmel, IN
2019-102 10/15/2019 Fraud or Deception in the Examination Process or to Obtain a License DWI in Oklahoma in 2000, which Respondent stated on his application. Did not disclose arrest for DWI in Indiana in 2018. Stated he graduated from West Point in 1995, but a background check revealed he resigned in lieu of court martial and did not graduate.
Formal reprimand; 2 yr prob. Susp; $2,500 admin. penalty
Wilby, Eliza
  Eliza Wilby DVM
Round Rock
2017-235 04/09/2019 Expired Veterinary License; Violation of Board Orders/Negotiated Settlements
Respondent violated board order 2016-027. Respondent practiced with expired veterinary license. Formal reprimand; Active Suspensionat least 1 mo Susp until the board receives documentation of CE required by 2016-027; $1,000 admin. penalty
Williams, Nikki
Nikki Williams DVM
12033 Odessa 2018-063 01/29/2019 Professional Standard of Care 13 year old dog presented for dental procedure. Owner request bloodwork prior to procedure. Bloodwork indicated renal compromise, but Respondent did not notify Owner before dental work.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty ; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Wuensche, Randy
  Randy Wuensche DVM
2019-034 07/02/2019 Supervision of Non-Veterinarians; Responsibility for Acceptance of Medical Care
Dog presented for teeth cleaning and extraction. Respondent left assistant to begin anesthesia and cleaning. Respondent left facility without performing extractions, claiming different veterinarian agreed to take over, but that veterinarian denied this. Dog was burned during heating during anesthesia. Medical records were modified to indicate different veterinarian was responsible for anesthesia. Respondent acknowledged he does not regularly supervise veterinary assistants inducing anesthesia
Informal reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
(Click on name to see
Official Board Order)
License # City Docket # Date of Action Violation Summary

"The summaries are taken directly from facts in the Agreed Orders. Please click on the linked veterinarian's name to read the entire Agreed Order from the TBVME."
Adams, Nancy
Nancy Adams DVM
9178 Seabrook 2017-218 04/10/2018 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On July 2, 2016, a 7-year-old Great Dane named Arnie was boarded at a shared facility owned by Respondent. On July 6, 2016, boarding facility staff presented Arnie to Respondent with abrasions on his legs. Respondent examined Arnie and concluded that the scratches were caused by the hard surface of the kennel suite. Respondent cleaned the abrasions and padded the kennel. Respondent's records did not include Arnie's temperature, pulse, or respiration rate, details of the examination of Arnie's injuries, or treatment provided for the injuries. Respondent did not inform the client of Arnie's injuries. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty 
Anderson, Charles
Charles Anderson DVM
7705 San Antonio 2017-093 10/23/2018 Responsibility for Unlicensed Employees   On Saturday, February 27, 2016, a  9-year-old Cocker Spaniel named Markee began having trouble breathing and, after a phone call in advance, was presented to an emergency center co-owned by Respondent and Neil Shaw, DVM. Respondent waited for over an hour in the waiting area with Markee as he struggled to breath while veterinary staff treated other patients, including patients who arrived after Markee. After approximately 1 hour, the client left with Markee and went to a different emergency care facility. There, the treating veterinarian stated that Markee was in critical condition. Markee passed away a few hours later. $1,000 admin. penalty 
Ballard, Patricia
Patricia Ballard DVM
5442 The Colony 201-7-210 07/31/2018 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On June 27, 2016, Respondent was contacted regarding a 10-year-old Labrador retriever named Miranda. Respondent had previously treated Miranda but had not seen her in approximately 2 years. The client reported to Respondent that Miranda was limping badly and appeared painful. Respondent's veterinary assistant noted in the medical records possible use of Tramadol for pain management. Respondent later amended this portion of the record but did not time and date the amendment. On June 28, 2016, Responded recommended that Miranda be seen by another veterinarian, as she was unavailable. Respondent's medical records did not include the date and substance of the referral recommendation or reference to the response of the client. On July 8, 2016, Respondent made another house call to examine Miranda. Respondent palpated the masses and diagnosed hemangiosarcoma. On July 18, 2016, Respondent made another house call. The client stated that Miranda had refused medication for 2 days and had not eaten in 4 days. Respondent euthanized Miranda at the client's request. Respondent's medical records did not indicate the euthanasia dosage utilized. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE in recordkeeping
Beard, Jason
Jason Beard DVM
6960 Lindale 2018-024 10/23/2018 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On July 27, 2016, a 7-year-old Shih Tzu named TJ was presented to a different veterinarian for surgical removal of a growth, abdominal hernia repair, and a dental cleaning. When the client picked up TJ, he noted that TJ was coughing. He was told the coughing was due to irritation from the trachea tube. The next day, when TJ continued to cough, the client was instructed to take him to an emergency facility. He presented TJ to Respondent with rapid breathing and congestion. Respondent examined TJ, administered a Lasix injection, and instructed the client to follow up with the index veterinarian the following day. The client brought TJ home and he died within hours. Respondent did not offer to take xrays, and his medical records did not indicate a respiration rate or that he recommended hospitalization. Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE in recordkeeping; 3 hrs. add'l CE in emergency medicine
Beckworth, Laura
Laura Beckworth DVM
10658 Dallas 2017-110 10/23/2018 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand During a March 29, 2016 on-site inspection by the Board, it was discovered that the controlled substance log had not been updated more than 4 weeks before the inspection. Respondent had utilized controlled substances during that time period. Because the balance on hand was not being maintained, Respondent could not adequately monitor whether diversion was occuring. At the time of the inspection, Respondent held a DEA registration but did not order controlled substances for the facility. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Bolt, Allen
Allen Bolt DVM
4080 Abilene 2018-032 07/31/2018 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On May 1, 2017, a 10-year-old Sheltie named Bonnie was presented to Respondent because she had begun coughing after being boarded at a local facility. Respondent stated that Bonnie's lungs were clear and that she otherwise appeared to be healthy. Respondent's medical records did not include details regarding examination of Bonnie's pulse, respiration, or auscultation of her lungs, or other details necessary to substantiate or document the examination, diagnosis, and treatment provided. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE in recordkeeping
7714 Tyler 2017-199 01/16/2018 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On July 25, 2016, a 7-year-old Shih Tzu named TJ was presented to Respondent for examination of a growth on his right hind leg. Respondent recommended surgical removal of the growth, abdominal hernia repair, and a dental cleaning. On July 27, 2016, TJ underwent the procedures.  Respondent's medical records did not include details necessary to document the examination and surgical procedures. When the client picked up TJ, he noted that TJ was coughing. He was told the coughing was due to irritation from the trachea tube. The next day, when TJ continued to cough, he contacted Respondent's facility at 9a and 3p, and he was told not to be concerned. When he called again at 10p, another veterinarian instructed him to take TJ to an emergency facility. It was 11:30p before he presented TJ to the emergency facility. The veterinarian observed fluid in TJ's lungs, suspected aspiration, and administered a Lasix injection. The client brought TJ home at ~1a, and he died at ~8a. Respondent consulted with his staff and was told that vomited food was found in the back of the cage that held TJ on the evening of July 27, 2016. This information was not reflected in the medical records. Informal Reprimand; 3 hrs. add'l CE in recordkeeping
Bullock, Cody
Cody Bullock DVM
10986 Denton 2018-020 01/16/2018 Responsibility of a Veterinarian to Refer a Case On November 27, 2016, an 11-year-old Maltese named Lacey was presented to an emergency facility, diagnosed with an abscessed tooth, and prescribed pain medication and an antibiotic. Lacey developed a small sore on her cheek that began oozing overnight. The next day, Lacey was presented to Respondent for examination and treatment of the oozing and the abscessed tooth. Respondent performed lab work and said that he wanted to wait until the antibiotics resolved the infection before extracting the tooth. On November 29, 2916, Respondent contacted the client to tell her the blood work was unremarkable besides a low T4, and he scheduled a tooth extraction for December 6. The client called respondent on November 30 and December 1 to report that Lacey was hardly eating and getting weaker. On December 5, Lacey had not improved, so the client brought her back to Respondent. Upon presentation, Lacey was clinically worse and her infection had progressed. Respondent said he did not feel Lacey was healthy enough to be anesthetized to perform the procedure. Respondent hospitalized Lacey overnight. The next day, Lacey had not improved and the swelling had increased. Respondent offered to refer Lacey to another veterinarian and also discussed quality of life and euthanasia. The client took Lacey home that day and brought her to another veterinarian the following day. That veterinarian scheduled Lacey to be seen by a board-certified veterinary dental specialist on December 8. The specialist performed surgery and extracted several teeth and portions of bone that had deteriorated. Lacey recovered from surgery but continued to decline and was euthanized on December 16. Informal Reprimand; 3 hrs. add'l CE in dentistry
Burney, Derek
Derek Burney DVM
6991 Dallas 2018-053 07/31/2018 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping Between July 2015 and May 2016, Respondent treated a 15-year-old American Eskimo dog named Belle for Cushing's disease. Portions of Respondent's medical records from this period do not include details necessary to substantiate or document the examination, diagnoses, and treatment provided, or the date and substance of any referral recommendations, with reference to the client's response. Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Cox, James
James Cox DVM
5254 Sugar Land 2017-164 04/10/2018 Reporting of Criminal Activity A routine criminal history check by the board revealed that on November 13, 2014, Respondent was arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated. Respondent did not report this charge to the board. Respondent was convicted of a Class B misdemeanor and fined. Informal Reprimand
Crowley, Kyle
Kyle Crowley DVM
7330 San Antonio 2018-035 07/31/2018 Reporting of Criminal Activity A routine criminal history check by the board revealed that on July 17, 2013, Respondent was arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated. Respondent completed probation in September 2015. Respondent did not report the arrest and charges to the board. Informal Reprimand
Darwin-Betten, Melissa
Melissa Darwin-Betten DVM
12208 Frisco 2018-047 07/31/2018 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand; Rabies Control; Minimum Security for Controlled Substances During a January 4, 2017 on-site inspection by the board, it was discovered that Respondent did not have a controlled substance log. At the time of the inspection, Ketamine, Euthasol, hydromorphone, buprenorphine, diazepam, and tramadol were on hand. At the time of the inspection, Respondent held a DEA registration and ordered controlled substances for the facility. The inspection also revealed that controlled substances were not being stored in a securely locked, substantially constructed cabinet and that Respondent did not sign rabies certificates after vaccinating patients. Formal Reprimand; $2,500 admin. penalty
DeLaughter, Kimberly
Kimberly DeLaughter DVM
11945 Southlake 2017-198 07/31/2018 Supervision of Non-Veterinarians On February 3, 2017, a white English bulldog named Nero was presented to Respondent for re-examination of a bite wound. Later that day another white English bulldog was presented for euthanasia. While Respondent was seeing other patients, a veterinary assistant inadvertently euthanized Nero. Informal Reprimand; $2,000 admin. penalty
Doherty, Michael
Michael Doherty DVM
4047 New Braunfels 2016-165 10/23/2018 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On July 3, 2015, a 10-year-old Bouvier service dog named Myca was presented to Respondent for minor gastrointestinal distress. Respondent diagnosed foreign body ingestion and recommended surgery. A small object was removed from Myca's stomach, as well as a large tumor that was attached to Myca's spleen which was later found to be a hematoma. Myca remained at the clinic. On July 6, she was depressed and had a temperature of 103. Respondent contacted the client and said he would like to keep Myca, but the client picked her up later that afternoon. When the client arrived, Respondent said he had just performed blood work and Myca's white blood cell count had dropped. When Myca returned home, she began to howl in pain and vomit. The client called Respondent who advised her to limit Myca's water intake to 1 cup at a time. Myca continued to pant heavily and cry in pain throughout the night. The next morning the client called the clinic and was told Respondent was busy and she would have to call back. When she called back at noon, she was told Respondent had left for the day. Around 2p, Myca's condition had declined, and the client took her to a different veterinarian. That veterinarian performed additional surgery. Myca was transferred to an emergency center, but her
blood work showed significant signs of kidney failure. The next day, the client made the decision to euthanize Myca. Respondent's records contained no details of Myca's aftercare on July 4 or 5. They included a temperature notation that was not made contemporaneously without indicating so.
Informal Reprimand; Restitution $149.20; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE in recordkeeping
Doherty, Michael
Michael Doherty DVM
4047 New Braunfels 2017-224 10/23/2018 Professional Standard of Care; Responsibility of a Veterinarian to Refer a Case On October 3, 2016,  a recently rescued ~6-week-old stray kitten named Cashmere was presented to Respondent for a wellness examination. Respondent found Cashere to be thin, feverish, and with watery stools and eyes. A fecal exam showed coccidia and an opthalmic exam showed conjunctivitis in both eyes. Respondent administered meloxicam and vaccinations. Over the next few days, Cashmere's appetite diminished. On October 8, he vomited and appeared lethargic. On October 9, the client presented Cashmere to Respondent again. He was dehydrated, comatose, pale, nonresponsive, had mucous like stool, and a low temperature. Respondent recommended keeping Cashmere for treatment. He did not refer him to an emergency facility for continuous monitoring. Respondent treated Cashmere with IV fluids, steroids, antidiarrheal medication, and antibiotics. Respondent left the facility at ~8:15p that evening. Respondent returned to the facility to administer more fluids and oral lixitinic vitamin tonic at 11p. Respondent did not refer Cashmere to an emergency facility or provide continuous overnight monitoring. On October 10, Respondent's staff contacted him and told him that Cashmere was found comatose in the morning. Cashmere died at ~8:15a. Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE in emergency critical care
Douglass, Laurel
Laurel Douglass DVM
10023 Houston 2018-134 07/31/2018 Supervision of Non-Veterinarians; Responsibility for Unlicensed Employees On October 19, 2016, a 7-month-old King Charles Cavalier named George was presented to Respondent for a neuter procedure. Respondent performed the procedure and instructed facility employees to remove an IV catheter prior to discharge; however, the catheter was still in place when George was discharged at ~6p. The client returned the following day for catheter removal. Informal Reprimand
Edwards, Harold
Harold Edwards DVM
4510 Belton 2017-208 07/31/2018 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On February 10, 2017, an 8-month-old Boer goat named Jobi was presented to Respondent for possible urinary problems. Respondent examined Jobi and performed a urinalysis that was positive for leukocytes. Respondent was unable to palpate Jobi's bladder, so he attempted to catheterize him, first without sedation, then using isoflurane and an intravenous injection of xylazine. He was unsuccessful, so he called another veterinarian to provide assistance. While waiting for that veterinarian to arrive, the client questioned the continued anesthesia, but Respondent indicated that it was safe. When the other veterinarian arrived, he asked why Jobi did not have a belly tube in place, because he was bloating. He inserted the tube, and the stomach contents were removed. Approximately 20 minutes later, the second veterinarian questioned how long Jobi had not been breathing. The client noted that no monitoring device was used on Jobi during the procedure. Attempts were made to revive Jobi without success. A necropsy showed that Jobi died due to compromised renal health, poor tissue perfusion due to bloating and renal impairment, and extended anesthesia. Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE in large animal anesthesia; 3 hrs. add'l CE in recordkeeping
Ervin, Lu
Lu Ervin DVM
5474 Waco 2017-148 07/31/2018 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On June 3, 2016 a 1-year-old dog named Remi was presented to Respondent for an injured right hind leg. Respondent performed xrays which confirmed that Remi's leg was broken. Respondent recommended surgery and placement of an intramedullary pin to stabilize the leg. Respondent sedated Remi and applied a temporary splint. Remi was hospitalized overnight. Respondent's medical records do not include details of Remi's overnight hospitalization. On June 4, Respondent prepared Remi for surgery. Respondent stated that her technician refused to assist and left the facility. Respondent attempted to place the implant but was unsuccessful. Remi began to rouse, so Respondent pulled the pin, built a Thomas splint, applied traction to the limb, and secured the splint to Remi's leg. Respondent administered injectable medicines. Respondent's medical records do not include details of the procedure attempted or the treatment provided. Respondent discharged Remi on June 7, explaining that she was unable to complete the surgery. On June 10, 12, and 14, the client returned Remi for persistent complications. On the 14th, Respondent recommended Remi be hospitalized for a few days. On June 16, the client returned to visit Remi, noted that she appeared to be in pain, and discharged Remi against Respondent's advise to seek a second opinion. Respondent had no medical records documenting the 2-day hospitalization or any treatment provided. The client took Remi to a different veterinarian. He examined Remi and concluded that the splint was causing increased instability. He observed a large wound on Remi's thigh that was infected. He sedated Remi, took xrays, treated the wound, and placed a new splint. He stated he saw no evidence that Respondent had attempted to place an IM pin. He then referred the client to another veterinarian. On June 20, that veterinarian saw no evidence that Remi's hair had been clipped for surgery, no evidence of an incision, and no evidence of a pin introduction site. He performed surgery and placed an IM pin. Remi recovered normally. Formal Reprimand; 5 yr. stayed suspension; Probation entire term;  $2,500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE in large animal anesthesia; 3 hrs. add'l CE in recordkeeping
Flesch, Karah
Karah Flesch DVM
13749 Elgin 2018-005 07/31/2018 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On July 14, 2016, a horse named Genie was presented to Respondent for a ruptured corneal ulcer. Genie stayed overnight at the hospital, and Respondent performed an enucleation surgery the following day. Respondent's patient records stated that Genie's recovery was long, that Genie got up and down twice and was wobbly while standing. Respondent stated that Genie had her right side against a padded stall the second time she was down, but this is not indicated in the patient records. Respondent recommended that Genie stay at the hospital for an additional 10 days for observation and treatment. The client continued to visit Genie and noted that her leg did not appear to be improving. On July 25, the client took Genie home and noted that she had lost weight and did not appear to be walking normally. On August 30, the client asked another veterinarian to examine Genie. He performed xrays which revealed a fractured tubercle. On August 31, Respondent added a supplementation to Genie's patient records regarding Genie's lameness and client communications but did not indicate a date and time of the supplementation nor a clear indication that the information was a supplementation. Informal Reprimand; 3 hrs. add'l CE in recordkeeping
Fromm, Kay
Kay Fromm DVM
10540 Waco 2017-219 07/31/2018 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On March 17, 2017, a 14-month-old English bulldog named Kandor was presented to another veterinarian for hair loss on her left flank. During the examination, that veterinarian noted bilateral upper and lower entropion and prescribed prednisone. On March 22, the client observed Kandor limping on her right side, whimpering, and pawing at her right eye. She was concerned that the prednisone was contributing and discontinued the medication. On March 23, she consutled with Kandor's regular veterinarian. He discussed the possibility of an ulcer and recommended that Kandor be seen by another veterinarian because he was unavailable that day. Later that day, Kandor was presented to Respondent. Respondent examined the eye, diagnosed mild keratitis, and prescribed medicine to be applied 2-3 times daily. Respondent advised the client to continue the prednisone. Over the next 2 days, Kandor's eye swelled significantly. On March 26, the client presented Kandor to another veterinarian who observed severe swelling, diffuse superficial ulcer, and tonometer readings of 21 and 16 in the right and left eyes. That veterinarian adminsitered injections of meloxicam, gentamicin, and furosemide, and dispensed gentamicin drops and Remend corneal gel, Clavamox, and carprofen. On March 29, the client presented Kandor to that veterinarian again, and a deep ulcer on the cornea with neovascularization and descemetocele was observed. The client was referred to Texas A&M University for emergency treatment. Upon arrival there, Kandor's eye had ruptured and was subsequently surgically removed. Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE in recordkeeping
Gonzales, Roque
Roque Gonzales DVM
5618 San Antonio 2018-026 07/31/2018 Professional Standard of Care; Responsibility of a Veterinarian to Refer a Case On April 11, 2017, a 1-year-old Pit Bull named Kitt was presented to Respondent for a bite wound by another dog. Respondent examined Kitt and prescribed an antibiotic. On April 21, the client re-presented Kitt to the facility and reported that Kitt had been bleeding from the mouth and acting lethargic and depressed, with dramatically increased swelling overnight. After dropping Kitt off, she later called back and reported that Kitt had gotten into rat poison ~1 week prior. Respondent examined Kitt and performed blood work (but not testing for rodenticide toxicity because the facility did not have testing capabilities). The client requested Vitamin K administration and Respondent agreed but did not administer it before discharge. Respondent did not refer Kitt to another veterinarian for examination or blood testing for rat poisoning. Immediately after leaving, the client presented Kitt to another veterinarian. Within 30 minutes of examining Kitt, that veterinarian informed the client that Kitt's clotting times were out of range, indicative of rat poisoning. Kitt received a plasma transfusion and Vitamin K and recovered uneventfully.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE in toxicology
Gudipally, Vijayshela
Vijayshela Gudipally DVM
8929 Pflugerville 2017-212 07/31/2018 Professional Standard of Care; Responsibility of a Veterinarian to Refer a Case; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On March 14, 2016, an 11-year-old canine named Kat presented to Respondent for her yearly exam and to have two lumps examined. Respondent diagnosed lipomas and discussed surgery, but explained the possibility that they could return. This consultation was not documented in the medical records. Neither did Respondent offer any additional diagnostics, such as fine needle aspiration biopsy. A year later, the client observed that the growths had grown. He presented Kat to Respondent also reporting that Kat was lethargic and had decreased activity. Respondent recommended surgical removal with potential testing for cancer. On March 3, 2017, Respondent surgically removed the mass. Respondent's medical records lacked details. When the client arrived ~5:30p to pick up Kat, she was lethargic and had a temperature of 97.9F, so Respondent recommended keeping Kat at the clinic overnight. Kat was treated and monitored by facility staff until 745p. Respondent did not offer referral to an emergency facility for overnight monitoring. On the morning of March 4, 2017, when staff arrived at the facility, they discovered that Kat had died overnight. Respondent stated that he recommended a necropsy but the client declined. Respondent noted that the soft tissue biopsy had been sent out and opined that Kat had died possibly due to cardiac arrest and possible complications due to age, being overweight, excision, and size of tumor.
Formal Reprimand; $2,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE in recordkeeping; 3 hrs. add'l CE in soft tissue surgery; 3 hrs. add'l CE in anesthesia; Restitution $660.75
Harvey, Joshua
Joshua Harvey DVM
10402 Decatur 2018-033 07/31/2018  Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On September 16, 2016, a 15-year-old horse named I've Dun It On Stage (Holly) was presented to Respondent for a consultation and hock injections. Respondent performed xrays and injected Holly in the front feet, knees, and back. Respondent's medical records did not indicate the total amount used or the amount injected into each joint.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE in recordkeeping
Hawks, Timothy
Timothy Hawks DVM
5311 Flower Mound 2017-220 07/31/2018 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On October 8, 2016, two dogs named Nizhoni and Baylor were presented to Respondent at a temporary clinic located outside a feed store. Nizhoni, an 11-month-old Australian Shepherd mix was to undergo a spay procedure. Respondent performed the spay procedure, but his medical records did not include details. The client returned to pick up the dogs, and Nizhoni was lethargic and incontinent. She expressed concerns to Respondent, but he informed her the surgery went well and there was no cause for concern. Respondent did not provide the client with take-home instructions. The client took Nizhoni home and placed her in a kennel. At ~3p, she let her out to urinate and she collapsed. At ~5p, the client placed Nizhoni back in her kennel to sleep. The following day, the client discovered that Nizhoni had died during the night. She attempted to contact Respondent but got no response from the number listed on the receipt. She also contacted the emergency facility provided in Respondent's voice mail, but the staff told her they did not know or have any affiliation with Respondent. Later that afternoon, the client presented Nizhoni's body to another veterinarian for a necropsy. The necropsy identified the cause of death as intra-abdominal exsanguination resulting from suture tying off the left ovarian artery and vein slipping off the ovarian stump. Respondent did not return the client's attempts to contact him until ~4p on October 10.
Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE in recordkeeping; 3 hrs. add'l CE in high volume spay and neuter
Howard, Collin
Collin Howard DVM
12103 San Antonio 2018-036 07/31/2018 Delegation and Supervision Relating to Official Health Documents On April 8, 2016, Respondent directed his veterinary assistant to travel to Conroe and collect blood samples from a sick horse and two other female horses on the same premises. The assistant returned the next day with four blood samples. They were not color-coded, so he directed the assistant to discard the samples that came from the sick horse. The assistant prepared the remaining samples to be sent to the Texas A&M veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory for Piroplasmosis and equine infections anemia testing. Respondent signed off on the official Texas Animal Health Commission forms certifying that the specimens were drawn by him or under his direct supervision from the horse described on the date indicated on the form. On April 10, Respondent was notified that the samples were positive for Piroplasmosis. It was later determined through DNA analysis that the samples submitted were from a male horse. On May 2, Respondent directed the assistant to return to the premises to collect blood samples from two male horses.
Formal Reprimand; 2 yr. stayed suspension; Probation entire term;  Follow add'l terms as specified in agreed order
Hudson, Rebecca
Rebecca Hudson DVM
7007 Houston 2018-027 07/31/2018 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian-Client -Patient Relationship On July 21, 2011, Respondent performed a heartworm test for a dog named Hatchi. Respondent's medical records indicated that Hatchi was treated with repeated administrations of doxycycline. Respondent prescribed Revolution Teal (6-pack, 50-85 lbs) for Hatchi in September 2011 and march 2012. On March 20, 2013, Respondent performed a heartworm test for Hatchi that was negative. Respondent prescribed the same Revolution for Hatchi in March and November 2013, February, May, and August 2014, April, July, and September 2015, January, April and July 2016, and May 2017 without performing or offering to perform a heartworm test after March 2013. Respondent dispensed prescription heartworm medication without performing additional examinations to maintain a veterinarian-client-patient relationship. Respondent never performed or offered to perform a heartworm test for Lucy. On March 18, 2013, Respondent prescribed Trifexis Green to Lucy. Respondent prescribed Revolution Teal (40-85 lbs) to Lucy in July 2013, August 2014, November 2016, and February 2017. On August 2, 2017, the clients presented Lucy and Hatchi to another veterinarian, and both dogs tested positive for heartworms.
Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE in heartworm prevention
Hummel, Kristin
Kristin Hummel DVM
13859 Conroe 2017-160 04/10/2018 Professional Standard of Care On September 18, 2016, a 2-year-old terrier mix named Boston was presented to Respondent for a neuter procedure. Boston was anesthetized, intubated, and connected to a non-rebreathing system and Cardell multiparameter monitoring system. An ECG and pulse oximeter were connected to Boston. After ~5 minutes, the pulse ox and ECG began reading abnormally. Boston went into cardiac arrest. Respondent attempted CPR, and it was discovered that the non-rebreathing circuit was closed. Respondent opened the circuit, administered epinephrine, placed an IV catheter, and attempted CPR again. Respondent continued to administer medicines and perform CPR, but could not revive Boston.
Informal Reprimand
Immel, Flint
Flint Immel DVM
4128 Mineral Wells 2018-069 10/23/2018 Supervision of Non-Veterinarians; Responsibility for Unlicensed Employees; Delegation and Supervision Relating to Official Health Documents; Labeling of Medications Dispensed; Use of Prescription Drugs; Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping; Minimum Security for Controlled Substances; Permitted another to use license to practice Veterinary Medicine; Ordering a Prescription Drug without a V-C-P Relationship; Existence of a Veterinarian - Client - Patient Relationship During a September 6, 2017 inspection by the board, it was discovered that Respondent's controlled substances log had not been updated since March 2017. The inspection also revealed that Respondent did not maintain patient records for many patients receiving veterinary care at the facility. During the inspection, Respondent was interviewed and stated that he allowed his veterinary assistant to perform spay and neuter operations on cats and dogs. In another interview, Respondent said he was unable to perform surgery due to a previous back injury. Board investigators advised Respondent and the assistant that the assistant could not do any surgical procedure. On multiple subsequent dates, the assistant(s) continued to provide veterinary care without Respondent's oversight, including the period from May 31, 2018 to July 23, 2018 when Respondent resided in a physical rehabilitation center. One of the assistants said that she would consult with Respondent by telephone. Medical records consisted primarily of invoices during this period. On July 24-25, during another board inspection, board staff observed the assistants treating  black cat that was sedated and intubated. Respondent was not present at the facility but again provided the assistant treatment instructions by telephone. During the inspection, board staff found that Respondent did not have an accurate balance on hand for Ketamine and Beuthanasia. Additionally, Respondent did not maintain invoices or disposal records for Phenobarbital. Respondent did not maintain controlled substances securely. Board staff also observed an Interstate Health Certificate that was dated July 6, 2018 and not signed by a veterinarian, although the Respondent's license number and address were listed. A witness stated that the assistant performed the examination and issued the certificate while no veterinarian was present. Board staff also observed a client come in and request a prescription for his animal which was sold without seeing the patient. (See Temporary and Continuing Suspension orders for additional details.)

Temporary Suspension Order

Order continuing Temporary Suspension

Voluntary Surrender
Permanent retirement of veterinary license in lieu of discipline. Do not seek reinstatement . Failure to place in retired status will result in permanent revocation of license.
Jager, Mitchel
Mitchel Jager DVM
2622 Robinson 2017-223 04/10/2018 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On November 29, 2016, a 6-year-old male cat named Joe was presented to Respondent for a urinary tract infection. Respondent diagnosed a turgid bladder and unsuccessfully attempted to treat via massage, so he advised the client Joe would need to stay overnight to have his bladder drained. The next day, he again applied pressure to expel urine. He did not catheterize Joe. On December 1, the client arrived at the facility to pick up Joe. She questioned what treatment was completed. She was provided with medical records that indicated that Joe was presented for a UTI and that the treatment provided was "unplug - RX Methigel give 1 inch 1x daily." Respondent neither gave the client additional instructions for Joe's future care, nor did he create and maintain medical records with necessary detail. Respondent provided board staff with medical records created after he was notified of the complaint against him. When the client returned home, she observed that Joe's fur was matted with dried urine. On December 12, she took Joe to another veterinarian who examined, tested, and treated him for a urinary tract infection.
Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 9 hrs. add'l CE 
Javaid, M. Iqbal
M. Iqbal Javaid DVM
4476 Houston 2017-214
10/23/2018 Professional Standard of Care On August 15, 2016, a 10-month-old English Bull Terrier named Scruff was presented to Respondent for potential trash ingestion and stool blockage. Respondent recommended keeping Scruff overnight. He examined Scruff and performed a number of diagnostics but not xrays. He treated Scruff with IV fluids, Vitamin B and metronidazole. He then gave Scruff Polyflex and metoclopramide. The following morning Scruff was listless and passed plastic, strings, and Styrofoam in the stool, along with blood. Respondent noticed bile-like material in the cage which could have been vomitus. Scruff began seizing and died at ~10:30a. On March 29, 2017, a 4-year-old Chihuahua named Trini was presented to Respondent for vomiting and bloody diarrhea. Respondent recommended leaving Trini overnight for diagnostics and treatment. Respondent examined Trini and performed a number of diagnostics. He treated Trini with Cerenia and Polyflex but did not begin IV fluids the first day. The next day Trini was still not eating or drinking. Respondent repeated the Cerenia and Polyflex and gave 250cc of lactated ringer with Vitamin B intravenously. Respondent noted that Trini's left leg and chest were swollen due to a vein injury from catheterization. He hot packed and massaged the swelling but did not include details of these treatments in the medical records. The client visited Trini later that day and was told by Respondent that the swelling was due to fluid build-up under Trini's skin and would dissipate in a few days. On March 31, Trini was released to the client. Respondent prescribed amoxicillin drops, Endosorb, and metronidazole. Trini was still swollen. Respondent advised the client to apply heat compression and massage to the swollen area. On April 2, the client noted that the swelling had not dissipated so she took Trini to a different veterinarian. He noted extensive swelling, pitting edema, and bloody serum draining from the skin. Possible diagnoses included infection or cellulitis as a reaction to the extravasated fluids and medication. He treated it and warned the client that teh tissue around the swelling may die and slough off. Between April 4 and 6, the flesh began to slough off. On April 6, the client returned Trini to the second veterinarian's clinic, and she was referred to a specialty hospital. There, she was diagnosed with severe dermal necrosis, underwent surgery to remove the necrotic tissue, and required extensive treatment and hospitalization to treat the wound.
Formal Reprimand; $2,500 admin. penalty; 9 hrs. add'l CE 
Jones, Byron
Byron Jones DVM
4966 Denton 2018-031 10/23/2018 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On August 7, 2017, a 14-year-old cattle breed canine named Val was presented to Respondent for pain and lameness. Respondent suspected a tumor or foreign body. Xrays showed an abnormal enlargement of the abdominal viscera. Respondent stated that he started Val on intravenous fluids and antibiotics but did not document this in the medical record. The client was contacted and told Val would need emergency surgery and that her prognosis was otherwise terminal. She went to the facility and authorized surgery as well as euthanasia if necessary. Later that day Val underwent surgery. Respondent removed and resected two sections of Val's intestines and removed the tumor. Respondent neither contacted the client to report the severity of his findings or to discuss possible euthanasia, nor did he include necessary details regarding the surgical procedure in the medical record. On August 10, Respondent performed additional surgery on Val to remove the stint bandage. Later that day, the client elected to take Val home. The next day Val had not improved, and the client too her to another veterinarian. He advised her that Val had a perforated bowel which led to secondary peritonitis and aspiration of stomach contents. Val had developed septicemia and continued to decline. Val was hospitalized and treated but subsequently went into cardiac shock and died.
Informal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs add'l CE
Kaaz, James
James Kaaz DVM
7539 Montgomery 2018-006 10/23/2018 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On June 26, 2017, a 4-year-old Dachshund mixed breed named Ellie was presented to Respondent for back pain since anal gland expression 3 days prior. Ellie had not eaten or drank water in 2 days. Respondent examined Ellie and found general stiffness and feces blockage in the colon. He noted mild back discomfort but did not think that was the primary concern. He kept Ellie for monitoring and administered tramadol, methocarbamol, meloxicam, and two enemas. After administration of the second enema, Ellie became ataxic, lethargic, and unable to stand with excessive drooling. Respondent administered heat support and ~1p contacted the client with the news that Ellie's condition had deteriorated. She approved blood work and xrays which Respondent stated showed no abnormalities. Ellie was subsequently given buprenorphine and discharged to home. Respondent stated that he discussed transfer to an emergency facility for overnight care, but this was not documented in the medical records. At ~3a on June 27, Ellie began exhibiting rapid eye movement and increased breathing and subsequently died.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs add'l CE
Kemnitz, Bonnie
Bonnie Kemnitz DVM
13284 Bastrop 2017-207 10/23/2018 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On August 17, 2016, a 6-month-old English Bulldog named Bentley was presented to Respondent for a neuter procedure. Respondent's medical records did not include any details of a pre-operative examination. The client declined use of an intravenous catheter on the surgical consent form. Bentley was premedicated with intramuscular medicines and ~12 minutes later intubated and maintained on isoflurane. Bentley was placed on a Cardell monitor and monitored by a technician. When the procedure was complete, Respondent directed the technician to discontinue isoflurane and placed the final skin staple. The technician then informed Respondent that Bentley hadn't taken a breath in a period of time and that the monitor was not reading a heart rate. Respondent noted Bentley's tongue was blue and his heart had stopped. Respondent attempted cardioresuscitation but was unable to revive Bentley.
Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE 
Killian, John
John Killian DVM
6459 Stratford 2018-039 07/31/2018 Controlled Substances Record Keeping for Drugs on Hand During a May 12, 2017 on-site inspection by the board, it was discovered that Respondent did not have an accurate balance on hand for ketamine, torbugesic, and valium. Because of these inaccuracies, Respondent could not adequately monitor whether diversion was occurring. The inspection also revealed that Respondent did not have a controlled substance log for beuthanasia and a ketamine/rompun (xylazine) mixture. At the time of the inspection, Respondent held a DEA registration and ordered controlled substances for the facility.
Formal Reprimand; $2,000 admin. penalty
King, Mary
Mary King DVM
7541 Azle 2017-140 07/31/2018 Honesty, Integrity, Fair Dealing; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On August 19, 2016 a 9-year-old Yorkshire terrier named Piglet was presented to Respondent for a dental cleaning and teeth extractions. The client requested that standard blood work be performed prior to the procedure. A technician attempted to run blood work twice, but the complete blood count machine was malfunctioning and Respondent was unable to interpret the results. Respondent did not inform the client that the machine was malfunctioning or give her the option to postpone the procedure. The client was still charged for the blood work. A technician performed the dental cleaning. Respondent then examined Piglet and called the client who authorized Respondent to extract 7 of Piglet's teeth. The anesthesia monitoring log included only the initial pulse oximeter value. Respondent's medical records did not include details of a pre-operative physical examination, temperature, pulse, and respiratory rate. The client picked up Piglet that afternoon. Piglet suffered from complications and was euthanized on August 23.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs add'l CE
Klein, Gary
Gary Klein DVM
5655 Houston 2018-038 07/31/2018 Observance of Confidentiality On November 5, 2016, a Boston Terrier named Jack Daniels was presented to Respondent for treatment of injuries sustained in a dog attack. Respondent's employee disclosed information regarding the amount paid for care and treatment to the owner of the dog that attacked Jack Daniels.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Lognion, Benjamin
Benjamin Lognion DVM
13122 Sunset, LA 2017-129 07/31/2018 Chronically or Habitually Intoxicated, Chemically Dependent, or Addicted to Drugs; Adherence to the Law Between 2013 and October 2015, Respondent practiced veterinary medicine at the Iowa State University Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center. In 2015, the Iowa State Board of Pharmacy (SIBP) conducted an investigation of Respondent after receiving complaints regarding Respondent's abnormal levels of butorphanol usage and irregularities in Respondent's withdrawals of butorphanol from the facility's automated dispensing cabinet. SIBP tested 23 butorphanol syringes and 15 did not contain detectable traces of butorphanol. Six syringes under Respondent's control were never recovered. The SIBP's investigation also revealed that Respondent used another veterinarian's credentials to access the facility's automated dispensing cabinet. In October 2015, Respondent resigned from the facility and relocated to Texas. On April 12, 2016, the State of Iowa charged Respondent with possession of a controlled substance and theft in the fourth degree. In October 2016, Respondent relocated to Louisiana. On October 6, 2016, the Louisiana Board of Veterinary Medicine issued an agreed order regarding Respondent. It provided that Respondent could be issued a veterinary license but that the license would be placed on probated suspension for 5 years and that Respondent must participate in a rehabilitative program and provide the board with monthly reports during the probationary period. The Louisiana board issued a veterinary license to Respondent on October 31, 2016. On September 25, 2016, Respondent submitted to an assessment of a hair follicle drug screen pursuant to the TBVME's Professional Recovery Network (PRN) which was negative. Respondent acknowledged a chemical dependence or addiction to butorphanol and reported a sobriety date of February 6, 2016. The PRN evaluator determined that Respondent was safe to practice and recommended a 5-year support agreement with PRN. On November 29, 2016, Respondent entered into said agreement.
5 year stayed suspension. Probation for 5 years. 5 year contract with Peer Assistance Program; Adhere to other terms as specified in agreed order
McAda, William
William McAda DVM
1469 Yorktown 2017-237 07/31/2018 Professional Standard of Care On Decemer 12, 2016, a 9-year-old Great Dane named Bully was presented to Respondent for euthanasia. Respondent sedated bully with an injected xylazine and ketamine mixture. Respondent did not place an intravenous catheter before doing so. Respondent made several unsuccessful attempts to inject euthanasia solution into a cephalic vein but could not locate one due to Bully's low blood pressure. Respondent's associate (another veterinarian) then performed euthanasia by cardiac injection.
Voluntary Surrender

Informal Reprimand; Place license in retired status. Do not seek reinstatement.
Moore, Roy D,
Roy Moore DVM
14449 Corpus Christi 2017-239 07/31/2018 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On January 4, 2017, a 2-year-old Dachshund named Ziggi was presented to Respondent for exploratory surgery to remove foreign objects causing a blockage. Ziggi had previously been examined by a different veterinarian who diagnosed the foreign bodies and recommended surgery. Respondent performed the surgery and removed multiple linear foreign bodies from Ziggi's stomach. Respondent stated that Ziggi recovered from surgery but remained depressed. Respondent administered injectable antibiotics and intravenous fluids. The client stated that when he returned to the facility at 2:30p, Ziggi appeared heavily sedated. He returned again at 5p, but Ziggi still appeared heavily sedated. He was told he could either take Ziggi home or leave him unattended at the facility overnight. Respondent disputed the client's account and stated that he recommended Ziggi be taken to another facility for overnight monitoring. The client elected to take Ziggi home. Ziggi was discharged with an IV catheter in his leg along with Clavamox, enrofloxacin, and gabapentin. The client was instructed to bring Ziggi back the following day. That night, Ziggi did not regain consciousness. The client woke at ~2a and found that Ziggi had died. Respondent's medical records from the day of the procedure do not reflect a referral to an emergency facility. Instead they referenced rechecking the Ziggi the next day to give him antibiotic injections. On January 6, Respondent amended his medical records to reflect a conversation in which he recommended referral to an emergency facility for overnight observation.
Formal Reprimand; $1,500 admin. penalty; 12 hrs. add'l CE 
Morton, John
John Morton DVM
2789 Athens 2018-008 10/23/2018 Professional Standard of Care On May 8, 2017, a 5-year-old cat named Max was presented to Respondent for a yearly examination, vaccinations, and frequent urination. Respondent's medical records say that Max was presented for vomiting. Respondent examined Max and found his bladder to be very hard and enlarged. Blood work showed elevated kidney profiles and high potassium levels. Respondent diagnosed Max with a urinary blockage. Max appeared to be critical. Respondent recommended anesthesia and urinary plug removal and the client consented. Respondent anesthetized and catheterized Max then flushed the bladder. Respondent did not stabilize or offer to administer intravenous fluids before administering anesthesia. Max was found dead in his kennel ~15 minutes after extubation. Respondent's medical records did not indicate that Max was monitored following extubation. Responded stated that Max's death was due to excessive kidney waste levels in the blood.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs add'l CE
Mosley, Stefanie
Stefanie Mosley DVM
aka Stefanie Rogers DVM
see here
12527 Dallas 2017-101 01/16/2018 Professional Standard of Care; Responsibility of Veterinarian to Refer a Case; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On September 20, 2013, a 10-year-old quarter horse named Harvey was presented to Respondent for treatment of a right forelimb laceration. Harvey was examined and found to have grade 2 lameness with moderate tissue damage and swelling and a temperature of 100.8. He was mildly sedated, and the wound was sutured. Respondent said the wound closed easily on caudal aspect but was very tight on the cranial aspect and did not close completely. She applied a bandage, dispensed antibiotics, and gave the client instructions to perform hydrotherapy once a day and continue the Banamine as needed. Respondent stated that she cautioned the client that the sutures may not hold and to keep the wound bandaged. Respondent did not adequately evaluate whether there was joint involvement. Harvey returned for a recheck by Respondent a week later. The wound was not completely closed, very thickened, with mild hemorrhagic and purulent discharge. Some of the sutures had fallen out. Respondent stated that she was unable to suture the wound due to swelling but cleaned, treated, and rebandaged it. She stated that she discussed hospitalizing Harvey but the medical records do not reflect this. Respondent dispensed additional antibiotics, and gave the client instructions to continue the hydrotherapy and change the bandage daily with Granulex. Six weeks later, on November 8, the medical record reflected that Respondent saw Harvey again, but the client stated that Lucy Pustejovsky, DVM (another veterinarian at the clinic) was the only veterinarian she spoke to that day. The medical records stated that Harvey's right front fetlock was swollen and painful but that no significant lameness, drainage, or discharge from the wound was observed. Xrays revealed significant soft tissue swelling with narrow joint space. Respondent stated that she consulted with another veterinarian and recommended an ultrasound and joint tap, but the client denied this, and the recommendation was not recorded in the medical records. Respondent sent Harvey home with the same treatment and did not refer Harvey to a specialist or to another veterinarian for additional evaluation and treatment. Respondent did not examine Harvey again after that. He was later referred to Texas A&M, transferred there on December 4, and eventually euthanized on April 24, 2014 after several months of care for a severe joint infection.
Formal Reprimand; $2,000 admin. penalty; 6 hrs add'l CE
Neely, Austin
Austin Neely DVM
10737 Bedford 2018-021 07/31/2018 Unauthorized Treatment On September 16, 2016 an a-week-old black Lab Jax was presented to Respondent's clinic for boarding. Three days later, kennel staff presented Jax to Respondent after finding him sitting in a puddle of urine and noting two sores on his right front paw. Respondent examined Jax and noted a temperature of 104.4 and two ulcerative lesions of ~3 cm in diameter, as well as areas of ulcerative tissue at the tail base and clear discharge extending over the right thigh. Respondent contacted the client and recommended lab work. The client agreed. The lab work was slightly abnormal. Respondent performed additional examination and noted right hip and thigh sloughing, discoloration, and edema. A caretaker arrived to pick up Jax. Respondent explained to the caretaker and then to the client by telephone that he was not comfortable discharging Jax in this condition and asked to keep him overnight for additional diagnostics and treatment. Respondent administered buprenorphine for pain and sedated Jax with dexdomitor without receiving client authorization. He took a culture and place topical lidocaine on the wound. He removed the necrotic skin, transected the necrotic skin flap, and submitted sections of the flap for histopathology. He then flushed the area with dilute chlorhexidine solution and reversed Jax with antisedan. The culture results revealed E. coli bacteria and the histopathology was inconclusive. The client arrived later that day and elected to take Jax home.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty
Neff, Bryan
Bryan Neff DVM
6676 Bandera 2018-040 07/31/2018 Minimum Security for Controlled Substances During a June 21, 2017 on-site inspection by the board, board staff observed Respondent leave a lockbox containing controlled substances (ketamine, beuthanasia, and butorphanol) open and unattended with the key inserted for ~10 minutes.
Formal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty
Pella, Justin
Justin Pella DVM
14223 Stafford 2017-211 07/31/2018 Professional Standard of Care; Responsibility of Veterinarian to Refer a Case; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On January 10, 2017, ~1-year-old rabbit named Binky was presented to Respondent for castration. The client declined pre-operative blood work. Respondent stated that he premedicated Binky with ketamine, xylazine, and acepromazine subcutaneously, but the doses or concentrations were not noted in the medical records. The medical records included an invoice for "Preanesthetic medication-Canine." Binky was maintained on isoflurane and intubation was unsuccessful twice, so he was masked instead. During the procedure he was monitored, but the anesthesia log did not appear in the medical records. After the procedure, Binky was placed in a heated recovery cage, and the xylazine was reversed with yohimbine ~40 minutes later, although the medical records didn't include details. Respondent's medical records indicated that Binky was slow to recover and appeared very sedated. After 90 minutes, Binky was rousable but not fully awake. Later that afternoon, a facility employee contacted the client to recommend that Binky be kept for overnight monitoring. Respondent examined Binky before leaving the facility at ~5p and found him to still be sedate but rousable. The last employee left the facility ~7:20p. Respondent did not recommend referral to another facility that could provide overnight monitoring. The next morning at ~7:55a, a veterinary assistant found Binky deceased in the recovery cage.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 9 hrs. add'l CE
Percival-Leland, Kim
Kim Percival-Leland DVM
7988 Austin 2017-097 04/10/2018 Professional Standard of Care; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On July 20, 2016, a 2-year-old cat named Lucy was presented to Respondent for annual vaccinations and a grooming. The client requested grooming without anesthesia, but was told hospital policy required it. Respondent sedated Lucy and directed an unlicensed technician to intubate her. Respondent's medical records indicated that the grooming was uneventful and Lucy recovered normally. When the client picked her up, she was told Lucy might be groggy for a few days. Over the next few days, the client noted that Lucy's throat sounded sore, she was less active than usual, and a "crackling" sound could be heard when petting her neck and shoulders. On July 25, Lucy was panting, had a low appetite, and would not drink water. The client contacted the hospital to report these symptoms and was directed to drop Lucy off. Respondent examined Lucy and treated her for tracheal irritation. She did not perform xrays or other diagnostics to determine the location and severity of the tracheal tear. The medical records stated that Lucy would feel "much better within the next 1-2 days." The client returned home with Lucy, but Lucy still had the same signs, so she contacted Respondent again. Respondent told her to give Lucy space to relax and calm down. A referral was not noted in Respondent's medical records. Lucy was subsequently presented to an emergency center that night where veterinarians found her in respiratory distress with subcutaneous emphysema. They performed an emergency surgery to repair a 2.5 cm tear in the trachea, but Lucy went into cardiac arrest and could not be resuscitated.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 6 hrs. add'l CE
Pitmon, Casey
Casey Pitmon DVM
10438 Fredericksburg 2017-225 07/31/2018 Responsibility of Veterinarian to Refer a Case; Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On March 2, 2015, a 10-year-old Boxer named Nina was presented to Respondent for incontinence, inappetence, and apparent discomfort. Respondent performed blood work and confirmed a pancreatitis diagnosis. Nina was hospitalized from March 3 through March 6. On April 3, Nina was presented to another veterinarian at the facility for pain. She was given Cerenia and Catasol injections. A day later, the clients contacted Respondent about Nina's uncontrolled urinary incontinence. Respondent prescribed Proin. On April 10, Nina was presented to a different veterinarian at the facility for pain and pacing. She treated Nina with Omeprazole, Tramadol, subcutaneous fluids, and overnight hospitalization. Respondent assumed Nina's case the morning of April 11. An xray showed severe spondylosis, but the clients stated they were never advised of this. Nina was given prednisone, but her condition continued to decline. Respondent stated that she explained Nina's deterioration and recommended possible euthanasia. Respondent did not refer to a specialist or emergency facility. When the clients arrived at the facility, Nina was paralyzed and only able to move her eyes. They elected to have her euthanized.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Price, Ryan
Ryan Price DVM
9094 Plano 2018-010 07/31/2018 Professional Standard of Care On December 7, 2015, a 4-year-old English Bulldog named Meatball as presented to the clinic where Respondent worked as an add-on for diarrhea and vomiting, polydipsia, and odd breathing. Meatball became very excited and started panting vigorously in the waiting room. He was placed into an exam room ~20  minutes after arriving. Respondent left another patient to examine Meatball who was panting heavily but did not appear dyspneic. Meatball was noted to be morbidly obese and had a loud stridor/stertorous breathing sounds. As the exam continued, Meatball's respiration appeared more labored and his mucus membrane started becoming less pink. Respondent did not administer supplemental oxygen until 3:30p. He notified the client that Meatball's breathing was worsening and oxygen had been started to stabilize him. Respondent stated that due to Meatball's obesity, he thought it best to get IV access in the right cephalic vein. Respondent administered an intravenous dose of dexamethasone in the right lateral saphenous vein. Meatball did not respond to treatment and an endotracheal tube was placed at 3:52p. The client was notified that Meatball was critical and worsening. Respondent attempted CPR. At 4:02p, CPR was ceased and Meatball was pronounced dead.
Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Ramirez, Jennifer
Jennifer Ramirez DVM
13221 Spokane, WA 2017-203 10/23/2018 Professional Standard of Care On January 21, 2016, a 2-year-old Chihuahua named Sara was presented to her regular veterinarian for a pregnancy checkup. She was not in active labor but would likely go into it in the next 24 hours. The puppy was too large for natural delivery, so a C-section was recommended. At ~8:30p that evening, Sara started experiencing contractions, so the clients contacted the emergency number provided earlier. They were told they could probably wait unless Sara was in distress. An hour later, they presented Sara to the facility. Respondent advised the clients that Sara was in the early stages of labor, did not appear to be in distress, and could wait before a C-section was performed. Respondent told the clients three doctors were available to treat or monitor Sara until 8a. The clients advised the staff that they would be waiting in their car, they believed for a veterinarian to perform a C-section. At ~10:30p, Sara went into active labor. The clients were placed in a treatment room. Hospital staff checked in every 30 minutes until 3a. Respondent left the facility between midnight and 1a on January 22. At ~3a, another veterinarian, J. Randell Bridges, entered the room and examined Sara. At that time, the sac was protruding from the vulva. The clients reiterated their concerns and their regular veterinarian's recommendation for a C-section. Dr. Bridges performed a complete examination, asked the clients if they wanted a C-section, and left the room to write up the estimate. A deposit was collected, and Dr. Bridges began surgery at ~5a. The clients waited in their car and were notified ~5:30a that the puppy's heart was beating but it was not breathing on its own. The surgery was completed at ~6a. Sometime after 6a, Dr. Bridges told the clients that the puppy had not survived. Informal Reprimand; $1,000 admin. penalty
Ramirez, Noel
Noel Ramirez DVM
12813 Zapata 2017-215 07/31/2018 Veterinarian Patient Record Keeping On February 10, 2017, a 5-year-old Chihuahua named Charlie was presented to Respondent for a neuter procedure. Respondent's medical records did not contain Charlie's patient history, temperature, or other details necessary to substantiate or document the examination, diagnosis, and treatment provided and surgical procedure performed.
Informal Reprimand; $500 admin. penalty; 3 hrs. add'l CE
Robinson, Justin
Justin Robinson DVM
13136 Devine 2018-042 07/31/2018 Compounding Drugs; Minimum Security for Controlled Substances During a June 21, 2017 on-site inspection by the board, board staff observed Respondent leave a lockbox containing controlled substances (ketamine and beuthanasia) open and unattended with the key inserted for ~10 minutes. The inspection also revealed that Respondent compounded drugs for which there was an FDA-approved, commercially available alternative.